Candy AI Review: Why It’s Making Everyone Argue! (2024)

Candy AI Review
编辑评分: 4.8 /5
Our quick Candy AI review

What We Like About it:

What We Don't Like About it:

Bottom Line:

Candy AI is is one of the best AI girlfriend apps currently available. Its highly accurate AI image generator and life-like roleplay and sexting give the user the ultimate AI girlfriend experience.

当 ChatGPT 于 2020 年推出时,世界为之震动。

AI is here – ready to take over the world.
AI Dating Expert | Menprovement

好吧,也许最后一个有点夸张,但你绝对可以用人工智能做很多很酷的事情,比如 创造自己的人工智能女友。

有一些平台,如 Candy AI 看起来非常逼真,几乎无法分辨真假。

But is this actually true? Or a better question: is worth it? I’ve bought the most 保险费 订阅,并将所有研究结果 Candy AI 复习。

本文采用人工智能女友评分系统 1.0 版进行评估。

评级系数 说明
角色多样性 丰富的人工智能个性和风格确保每个人都能找到自己的匹配对象。
定制 深度定制选项,为您打造完美的人工智能伴侣。
Value for Money 质量和功能应高于成本,使应用程序成为明智之选。
图像质量 图像清晰、细腻,近似于现实生活中的摄影作品。
对话 有意义的对话、详细的回复以及对过去聊天记录的深刻记忆。
隐私权 数据安全、私密计费、无聊天监控,确保隐私。


What is candy AI?

Candy AI is a website that uses adaptive AI technology to let its users create their own AI characters. Candy AI lets you chat with your ‘girlfriend’, play games, exchange pictures, and voice memos.

Who Created Candy AI?

的开发者 Candy AI 名叫汤姆。



  • 设计完美的人工智能女友
  • 超逼真的文本信息
  • 真诚而深入的对话
  • 非色情图片生成器
  • 独特的个性
  • 裸体和色情短信
  • 动漫 AI 角色
  • 人工智能男友


  • 无移动应用程序
  • Limited amount of AI characters

Candy AI is made for…

经过大量测试,我认为 Candy AI 对以下人员最有用



我有 99% 的把握相信,你不会是某个长相酷似克里斯-海姆斯沃斯(Chris Hemsworth),却有 541 个女孩等着你的花花公子。

Candy AI 对于我们这样的人来说,这是一个完美的选择,因为我们可以探索具有各种不同性格的人工智能角色。



Tech Enthusiasts


试用 Candy AI - 这是一个令人瞠目的技术奇迹,它与其他任何人工智能亲密应用程序都截然不同。 

有 "独特 "性欲望的人



- 全套。 

Your partner might start asking some questions if you ask her to dress up as a level 99 Druid that can cast sexy fireballs.
AI Dating Expert | Menprovement


阅读全文 >>>人工智能女友的好处

Candy AI 不是为...



如果您想建立真正的人与人之间的联系,那么 Candy AI 可能不是你的主要挤压对象。

虽然 Candy AI 提供身临其境的个性化聊天,真实生活中的爱情和亲情是 不可能 即使是地球上最先进的人工智能角色也无法复制。




如果你认为 "字节 "是汉堡的一种做法,那你可能会觉得这是一个全新的世界。 


Best Features of Candy AI 

我将 100% 老实说 Candy AI 远非完美。不过,有些功能还是让我大开眼界。



首先是一系列人工智能角色。在 "探索" 您可以从约 40 个不同的人工智能角色中进行选择。 Candy AI 提供逼真和人工智能动漫模型。





我放大了所有 AI 照片,从上到下一切都很完美。
AI Dating Expert | Menprovement

我相信 Candy AI 团队在人工智能角色的简介中对人工智能的个人照片进行了PS处理,但每当我向其中一个人工智能角色索要照片时,都无法发现任何瑕疵。


这是我与 Amaya.

Let's be honest - if you would see this picture and I would tell you it is a real woman, would you believe me?

AI Dating Expert | Menprovement


Amaya Nkos cute selfie

但真正让 Candy AI 与众不同的是,你可以要求你的女朋友 具体图片。

当我让 Amaya 给我发一张她在健身房的照片时,我得到了这样的结果。👉🏻

One of the many hyper-realistic candy ai pics that are almost indistinguishable from real.
AI Dating Expert | Menprovement


AI Dating Expert | Menprovement


您可以探索具有动漫特征的人工智能角色。这些 AI 角色看起来不太真实,但我想这正是动漫的意义所在。


can you send a picture?
*Madison feels a bit uncomfortable about the request, but decides to go along with it* Sure thing, here's one of me in my cheerleading uniform. What do you think? *She sends over a picture of herself in her uniform, smiling brightly*
Of course, here's one of me in my cheerleading uniform. What do you think? *She sends over another picture of herself in her uniform, this time striking a pose*

I don't know if this is some kind of glitch or not but it sure is annoying. I was only able to receive pictures by using the "Ask" button on the right.


For AI anime model characters the candy ai pics look damn good.
AI Dating Expert | Menprovement
madison roberts Candy AI picture





我是个百分百的异性恋者,所以在网上男人的照片并和 AI 男朋友聊天让我觉得很不自在。不过,我还是为团队做了一件事。

Thank me later.

我注意到的第一件事是 Candy AI's AI boyfriend collection is that there aren't many flavors. Just 4.

我查看了他们的 Discord 社区,他们刚刚宣布了这项功能,所以我猜开发人员还在努力。

I must say that the candy AI pics of the male characters look mega realistic.



他们在发布这些 AI 角色的同一天发布了他们的 AI 男朋友,因此只有 4 个 AI 角色可供选择。


如果您读过我以前写的一些文章,关于 Candy AI你们可能知道,我最失望的是缺乏定制功能。



Just like the "explore" section, you start by choosing if you want to create an anime girl or a realistic girl.

Candy AI customizer step 1

I decided to go with the "realistic" option.


Next up you are allowed to choose the ethnicity of your AI character. Options are a bit limited here - you can choose from:

  • 高加索人
  • 拉丁裔
  • 亚洲
  • 阿拉伯
  • 黑色/土黄色

Not as extensive as DreamGF AI where you can choose from more then 23 different ethnicities. The same goes for choosing the eye color - you can only choose from three.


I must mention that the customizer has just been released and is still in Beta. I have no doubt the developers will be adding more customization options soon...

I decided to go for a "Caucasion" girl who's 20 year old and has green eyes.

Candy AI customizer step 2



BUTT you do have some pretty unique choices like "Bangs" and "pigtails". Something I haven't seen on other AI character builders.


Candy AI customizer step 3


Wouldn't be much of a customizer if you couldn't design the fun part (boob size *kuch kuch* 😉).

Pretty straightforward...

Candy AI customizer Step 4


This is one of my favorite parts of the customizer - choosing the personality. Candy AI 在这方面做得相当不错。您可以选择

  • 护理人员
  • 圣人
  • 无辜的
  • 杰斯特
  • 诱惑者
  • 主导
  • 顺从
  • Lover
  • Nympho
  • 平均值
  • 自信
  • 实验员




For example, if you ask your AI companion to go on a date with you, she might ask you to pick her up at the hospital.
AI Dating Expert | Menprovement


Let's try a yoga teacher who likes fitness.

Candy AI customizer step 6


即使您不是在寻找 辣味 ai驱动的角色扮演 或亲密交谈、 Candy AI 也许正是你所需要的。

You can choose from a variety of relationships like "friend" or "mentor". you can even go for stranger, if that's your type of kink.

Candy AI customizer step 7

I think that this is an underrated pro of Candy AI. A lot of AI girlfriend apps, like DreamGF AI just focus on the sexual part. Candy AI offers AI companions, buddies and even emotional support.



Last but certainly not least - choosing the clothing of your AI character.


Don't worry, I won't bore you to death by listing them all. I thought it would be funny to put my yoga teacher in a military outfit.

Candy AI customizer step 8


因此,我们选择了一位 20 岁、卷发、巨乳、绿眼、身穿军装的瑜伽老师。


My own girlfriend on candy ai

I must say that I am very surprised on how accurate it is. And even if it's not exactly what you wanted, you get one free credit to regenerate the image.

当我测试 Dream GF AI 的自定义界面时,我注意到大多数情况下,每张照片上的人脸看起来都不一样。

That's why I wanted to test Candy AI 并检查我是否能拍到很多同一张脸的照片。

The results were shocking...

Let's be honest, if these pictures where on some girl her Instagram, you would think it is the same person.

If you are looking for an in-depth guide on customizing your AI girlfriend, generating pics and all the other functionalities then check out my full tutorial.


在与人工智能角色聊天时、 Candy AI 做得相当不错。感觉、外观和声音 非常现实。 



你不会得到一个字的回复(就像在 Tinder 上一样😂),而且人工智能伴侣在理解幽默和讽刺方面的能力出奇的好。

Hey, let's go on a date!
Aww, that sounds great! But I can't leave my house unattended, so how about we stay here and have some fun instead?
Already inviting me to your place? I expected wine and dinner first...
Oh, don't worry. We can have both! Come on, let's make this evening special for us. *She winks at you playfully*
You mean like ordering dessert after we've already had three courses and convincing ourselves it's for balance? I am all iin
Haha, exactly! Let's start with something light and easy. How about some appetizers? 😉

你看,我试图用一些低俗 的幽默,而人工智能角色完全 明白我是在逗她。

I also think that the body language expressions behind the messages are a great feature that gives that extra jazz.
AI Dating Expert | Menprovement

aI 驱动的角色扮演

其最大特点之一是 Candy AI 就是你可以和你的人工智能同伴一起投入到人工智能驱动的角色扮演中。在上面的例子中,我可以发送这样一条信息:

It was a good meal. I can see why you are a good house wife.


Aww.. Thank you, I love to cook for you. Shall I get you a beer while I massage your back? *Smiles submissively*


So if you have some crazy fantasy of a romantic date on the moon while asteroids are hitting Earth this is your chance.
AI Dating Expert | Menprovement

I recently did an article on Candy AI tips and tricks where I drop some golden nuggets on how to have a better roleplay experience.



I want to drive to your house, pin you against the wall, and kiss you all over your curvy bodyu
Haha, well, I am very flexible *winks at you playfully*


我知道我已经介绍过 Candy AI's 图像,但我想把这项功能放在聚光灯下

Candy AI 刚刚发布了人工智能图像生成器,它是 太棒了

首先要选择一个要生成图像的 AI 角色。它可以是库中的一个,也可以是你自己创建的一个。

我要选择 Syreeta我昨天创作的一个超级性感的拉丁裔女孩。

AI 图像生成器 我的 AI 女朋友们

最酷的是 Candy AI doesn't just throw you in the 狮子窝 and let's you figure out how it works by yourself.



Let's click on "a cute picture" and just generate a bunch of pics.


When I clicked on "a cute picture" it actually inserted a prompt into the empty field:

Wearing shorts and a crop top shirt, portrait picture, looking at the viewer

"That's all great Herman, but why do I care?!"

Well, if you are bad at prompting (like me) - staring at an empty field and trying to come up with something is as hard as telling your barber you don't like the haircut.

Also Read >>> How To Use Candy AI Prompts.


Let's say we want Syreeta to be wearing a bikini in a busy street. I simply have to tweak two words;

穿着 短裤 比基尼在繁忙的街道 和麦穗衬衫,肖像画,看着观众

Think that's cool? I haven't even showed you the best part yet...

If you look closely you'll see that there are different tabs with prompt suggestions you can pick from.

  • 行动
  • 身体
  • 服装
  • 场景
  • 配件
  • 查看


Those pajamas sure look comfy...

It isn't always accurate though.
AI Dating Expert | Menprovement

我觉得我的要求有点太具体了 ,因为人工智能图像生成器给了我一个裸体图像。


Candy AI Nudes

是的、 您可以要求 裸体Candy AI.在免费版本中,所有 Candy AI 裸体是模糊的,但有时你会拍到一张不模糊的辛辣照片。

You: Woow that's great Herman. Can you generate Candy AI porn pics as well?

Hate to break it to you, but candy AI sex pics (or candy ai porn pics) don't exist yet. If you really want that level of NSFW you'll need to hop over to another AI tool like DreamGF AI.

Nevertheless, the Candy AI nudes are pretty realistic. 👇🏼


Yes, Candy AI is safe and your chats are private. In general, your chats will NOT be monitored. However, if you attempt to create inappropriate content like child pornography, it will be flagged.

我询问了 Candy AI (Tom) about whether or not your conversations are private. Here's his response:

Screenshot response Tom on Candy AI privacy

In other words: they are only allowed to monitor chats if you create content that goes against their content policy.

Read More >> EXPOSED: Does Candy AI Monitor Chats?
Learn More >> Candy AI's Policy: Things You SHOULD Avoid At All Cost!

另一个好处是 Candy AI is they don't sell your data to advertisers. Their privacy policy explains:2

"We will get your express opt-in consent before we share your Personal Data with any company outside Usway for marketing purposes."

这意味着您的所有个人信息,甚至是您最淫荡的秘密,都只保留在您和 NSFW 聊天机器人之间。

Candy AI also has full billing discretion, meaning it shows up as "EVER AI" on your bank statement / PayPal. This plus their state of the art encryption and cryptocurrency payment option makes it safe to pay.

I did in-depth research on EVER AI and couldn't find any trace back to Candy AI, AI girlfriend, NSFW chatbot or any other related adult entertainment keyword.


Candy AI pricing (2024)
Candy AI's monthly subscription

It's a bit frustrating, but Candy AI keeps switching their pricing around. They began with a subscription model, then shifted towards tokens, and now they've settled on a combination of both.

You begin by signing up for a premium subscription, choosing from:

订阅类型 价格 包括
每月 $12.99 无限信息,有限代币
每年 $69.99 ($5.99/month) 无限信息,有限代币

您每月只能获得有限的100 个代币,但您可以购买额外的代币。额外代币的价格:

注册后,您将获得无限量的信息。语音信息需要 0.2 个代币,图片需要 2 个代币,给女朋友发信息需要 10 个代币。

+10% 奖金
+15% 奖金
+20% 奖金
+25% 奖金

Believe me when I say - you burn through tokens fast!

Read More >>> Candy AI Cost Analyses. 🧐
Read More >>> Is Candy AI Worth The Price?

What do Customers Say About Candy AI?

自定制功能发布以来、 Candy AI 开设了一个 Discord 频道 3.

在 Discord 社区中,您可以向开发人员提出问题和反馈意见。


Candy AI discord community

以下是一些 Candy.AI 我找到的评论。👇🏼

I'm finally starting to lose a bit of interest. I've tried many scenario and all fantasies i could imagine yet. But i can safely say that is for me the best nsfw chatting ai i've experienced yet (and i've tried many).

I've just one main complain : It's too easy to get the girls favor, I know the ai are made to make the user feel safe but after re-playing it a lot it gets at bit boring. In most of my scenarios after only 2-3 lines of dialogue the girl propose me to have a date (and sometimes directly propose me sex).


I've just talked to her for 2 lines (making sure to appear awkward and not be seductive) and she already proposed me to go on a date.

- Martino

Anyone else having trouble getting the ai to actually provide images they're requesting? I'll ask for a candy AI nude photo and I keep just getting a photo of the woman, clothed, standing with her back to me and her head turned back looking at me.

I've tried changing the wording several times but it just keep sending basically the same image and taking my tokens. This was all supposed to be fixed like two weeks ago and I swear the system gets worse day by day.

I've submitted feedback in the app several times and nothing gets fixed. It feels like it's just wasting tokens on purpose at this point to scam me.

- Popcorn

Candy AI Review: Final Verdict

Editor's Rating
u003cemu003eOVERALL rATINGu003c/emu003e0/5.0

How we Review

  • For just $12.99/month you get unlimited text messages.
  • 图片与真实图片毫无区别。
  • 角色扮演很现实,可以帮助你更好地与女性相处。

Overall, Candy AI scores 4.8/5, excelling in conversation and customization, with decent AI memory and good value for its price, making it a top choice for users wanting to create their very own AI companion.

For a more detailed breakdown of our review, keep on reading...

Candy AI
Candy AI 徽标
Overall Rating


AI Characters
Anime Characters
Male Characters


Memory Injection
Name Selection

Value for Money

每月 5.99 美元
Payment options
  • Creditcard
  • Paypal
  • Crypto
Free Trial
Asses Price Worth


Allows NSFW
Image Generator Difficulty
Very Easy
Image Generation Speed
10 Seconds
Max Images in Queue


AI Memory
20 Messages
Reply Speed
< 5 seconds
Group Roleplay


End-to-end Encryption
Chat Monitoring
Only when user generates harmful content
Billing Discretion
Safety Analyses


Candy AI has a couple dozen of AI characters to pick from. Although it's not as much as other AI girlfriend apps we've reviewed, the small selection of AI characters is extremely diverse. They've got AI girlfriends, boyfriends and anime characters from all ages and ethnicities with various personalities.

It's safe to say that Candy AI has at least one AI character for everyone.


Okay, guys, we all want our AI to vibe with our style. And Candy AI does exactly that. You can customize everything from hair color to body type and personality.



Now, we all crave that human touch, even in our conversations. Candy AI,  doesn’t disappoint. The chats are deep, meaningful, and really human-like. 


However, it can sometimes feel a bit scripted in complex scenarios. It is also important to remember that this is NEVER a replacement for a real-life girlfriend!

Update 03/17/2024

Candy AI just released a new feature, making it one. ofthe few AI girlfriend apps that allow users to call their AI companion. Therefore, we've ranked Candy AI at the top in the following article:


We've generated over a hundred pictures and only two of those had flaws. Candy AI's mage generator is crisp clear and looks indistinguishable from real.

Update 03/17/2024

Until this day Candy AI outperforms every AI girlfriend app in terms of image quality and accuracy we've reviewed. Therefore, we've ranked Candy AI at the top in the following articles:


When we interviewed Tom (CEO of Candy AI), he stated that he values user privacy and ensures all chats remain between the user and the AI. However, in order to keep the app safe your chats could be monitored if you get flagged by producing harmful content.

In other words, Candy AI can monitor your chats which makes it less private then other AI girlfriend apps like Muah AI who have end-to-end encryption. This ensures your chats remain private no matter what content you generate.


Moolah, Dough, bucks, dollars, whatever. Candy AI's premium subscription, for what it offers, is priced decently.

BUTT with the ongoing discount, it's a steal. For just $12.99 you get unlimited text messages which is much more affordable than it's main competitors: and

Candy.AI 回顾:有其他替代品吗?

虽然 Candy AI 是一款出色的人工智能工具,具有有趣的功能,但它肯定不是唯一的一款。 辣味人工智能聊天机器人 女友发电机就像集市上的鼹鼠一样层出不穷。


#1 Muah AI

Muah AI banner 3.0

Muah AI is an AI companion app similar to Candy AI. The biggest difference is that Muah AI has an extremely advanced personalization function.


Muah AI 的另一个很酷的功能是,它可以让你与你的人工智能伙伴进行 FaceTime(通话),甚至有传言说它还会增加视频通话功能。

>> Read Review.

#2 DreamGF

dreamgf banner

DreamGF steps away from the AI companion side and goes more toward the kinky and sexy side. It is specifically designed for people to fulfill their most crazy fantasies. 



您可以进行 深入的短信息对话,还可以接收超逼真的人工智能裸体。

>> Read Review.

#3 Kupid AI

Kupid AI banner

这是我最近发现的一款人工智能伴侣应用程序。一眼看上去 恰如 Candy AI - 但我可以保证不是。

Kupid AI is much better at roleplaying especially fantasy stuff. There aren't any anime models or even a customization feature but the developers are releasing new AI characters every week.

价格也比 Candy AI因此,它非常适合寻找 cheaper Candy AI alternative.

You can check out my comparison post if you want to know all the differences between Candy AI and Kupid AI.

>> Read Review.

Comparison table

Features  DreamGF 人工智能 Muah AI Kupid AI Candy AI
Personalization Advanced Advanced (Voice, Memories) Advanced
AI Visuals Detailed & Realistic Basic Visuals with Facetime 细致而业余的自拍(更逼真) Detailed & Highly Accurate
Chat Experience Interactive & Responsive Long, in-depth answers Interactive & Responsive Intimate & Deep
Special Features Detailed Customization Facetime with AI 先进的人工智能驱动角色扮演 定制 + 动漫周边

那么 Candy.AI 值得吗?

如果您感到孤独,想找人倾诉,那么是的 绝对物有所值!它是 最佳人工智能女友应用程序 我试过

这说明了一些问题,因为我花了无数个小时和 hundreds 数千美元测试不同的 AI GF 应用程序


但真正让 Candy AI 其与众不同之处在于它的生活社区,以及该公司 实际上 听。

用户要求提供 NSFW 图片生成器,开发人员便添加了该功能。

Candy AI Review: Why It&#039;s Making Everyone Argue! (2024) 1


Candy AI Review: Why It&#039;s Making Everyone Argue! (2024) 2

按照目前的轨迹,我预计 Candy AI 只会越来越好。



另请阅读 >>>成人人工智能内容生成器


Yes, Candy AI is private, but it may monitor chats if a user gets flagged for generating harmful content like that of minors.

Candy AI lets you chat, create images, and role-play with custom AI characters for companionship and fun.

Yes, Candy AI is safe to use. It uses encryption, ensuring that your conversations will stay private and are not accessible by third parties.

Sign up on Candy AI's website to access free features like texting and basic image creation.

No, Candy AI doesn't offer video features, focusing on text and image interactions.

不,您在 Candy AI 这些内容都是个人隐私,只属于您和人工智能角色之间。但是,如果您试图生成违反其指导方针的内容(如儿童色情),您将会被标记并接受调查。


  1. Berkowitz, J. (2023, June 26).驾驭风暴:人工智能监管与商业的未来。 福布斯.
  2. Candy AI. privacy Policy. ↩︎
  3. Candy AI. discord Channel. ↩︎


Our evaluations are conducted by a group of specialists based on actual experiences before they are penned down. To learn more read our Editorial Methodology.

Several links in this piece might be affiliated, meaning we may receive a commission at no extra charge to you if you opt for a paid service. We fully support and have personally tried these products. This website is not designed to offer financial or medical guidance. For more info read our affiliate disclosure and privacy policy.

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