Do Pheromones Work?

does pheromone cologne work

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Most of you have probably seen that one viral video of the Ocean’s 13 scene where Matt Damon uses a pheromone perfume called “The Gilroy” to seduce the older hotel chick.

If you haven’t, check it out below before you read on.

Credits: idle Stoev

This video sparked a lot of interest in me because who doesn’t want to be able to put on a chemical and have girls drool over you?

So I put my big-boy pants on, did some research, and read some books, and it seems that the majority of people believe these pheromone perfumes are bullshit and are just certain companies’ way of trying to make money selling snake oil.

But there are a few sites out there that really genuinely believe pheromone perfumes actually work. I mean, there is science behind it, it is not just appearing out of thin air. Pheromones are seen everywhere in life, from dogs to bees, why would it be any different in humans?

At the end of the day, we are just mammals.

So I have embarked on a journey to figure out once and for all if pheromone perfumes are legit or if they are really just a big waste of money, to give an answer to the age-old question, “do pheromones actually work?”

key takeaways

First, How do pheromones work?

Infographic how phermones trigger sexual response

Essentially, pheromones (or pheromone fragrances) are secreted by men, women, animals, and tons of other species. These pheromones are detected by us through the nose in the Vomeronasal Organ.1 This organ has receptors that are extremely sensitive to pheromones in the air.

Once the pheromones are detected by this organ, they travel through the nose and stimulate the hypothalamus in the cortex of the brain. 2This is the area of the brain that is responsible for producing emotions and emotional responses; hence, synthetic human pheromones claim to make girls want to rip their clothes off.

These pheromones are subconsciously detected, eliciting an internal sexual response. The pheromones literally send signals to the hypothalamus to elicit attraction, sexual desire, and sexual arousal.3


That’s not the question, though.

The question is can pheromone perfumes manipulate stimulate a positive sexual attraction response or not?

As I said, this article is intended to determine the answer to this question.

Research Question

Can you manipulate your pheromones, using colognes and oils, to have the desired outcome on your target mate?

There are a large number of websites that say yes and a large number of websites that say no. The websites that say yes are usually the ones that are making money off you purchasing them, and the ones that say no are usually stupid, close-minded, assholes who post on about things they never used…

How will I test these Pheromone perfumes?

a guy testing pheromone perfume

It is really simple: I am going to purchase a certain pheromone perfume. Go out in the field and approach women without the pheromone perfume one weekend, and then approach women with the pheromone on, with the same routine, the next weekend.

Then repeat again.

I’ll be looking for signs that girls are into me, and seeing if my ability to seduce any of them seems easier the weekends out with pheromone perfume than without.

There are many pheromone perfumes out there, and I don’t think I am going to waste my time on the commercial ones that seem to be overly advertised nonsense.

I am going straight into the underground world of pheromone perfume.

The pheromone perfumes I bought

pheromene parfumes I bought

I placed my order for their Mixes Ammunition and T.U.T.H. (Turn up the heat). These are their top-tier pheromone perfumes, essentially for sexual attraction.

I received those, along with two free bottles of Instant Openness and P-102.



It’s a pheromone perfume that’s really easy for you to use. No thinking is required… you can literally just “spritz n’ go.” It has a balanced blend of 3 human pheromones in a unique, top notch cologne (FF21).

The cologne was designed for us by no less than the world’s #1 fragrance designer.

They’re the secret designers behind many of the award-winning brand-name colognes you’re familiar with. You could easily find this cologne in the department store, next to all of the other bottles that cost between $65 and $90.

The pheromonal blend in vaccination has been shown to get you friendly and, yes, even sexual attention. All without being excessive or overbearing. Just spray some AMMUNITION onto your wrists, and maybe a shot to the chest (exact instructions below), and you’re ready for a date or a night out clubbing or bar hopping.

While AMMUNITION is ideal for club and bar-going men 18-35, it’s what is inside the bottle the counts, and even men older than 35 have enjoyed both the pheromonal effects and the fragrance

– From the manufacturer website.

2) TUTH (Turn Up The Heat)

turn up the heat pheromone parfume

Tuth is a sexual Pheromone perfume for men. It gives you a clear signal that it’s on. Turn Up The Heat works exactly like a thermostat. 1 spray is smoldering, 2 sprays intensely hot, 3 you’re on fire… 4 sprays… ouch!

A little does a lot, so always start low when using Turn Up The Heat. At bars or nightclubs, we recommend using just 1 or 2 sprays, applied to the chest, behind the ears, or on the wrists. Turn Up The Heat can help attract women looking for a sexual encounter at these venues.

When dating, only use Turn Up The Heat when the woman is comfortable enough with you to take things to the next level (this usually requires a minimum of 4-7 hours spent together at different venues). After you’ve spent some time together building comfort (which you can do with Instant Openness and Instant Shine), you can then literally Turn Up The Heat. Start by using just one spray.

If necessary, add one additional spray every time you meet, up to a maximum of 5 sprays total. Using Turn Up the Heat in this manner will Turn UP the SEXUALITY, and help to MELT last minute resistance. Guaranteed.

– From the manufacturer’s website.

3) Instant Openness

instant openess pheromene parfume

Want something to help break the ice, and lighten social tensions? Maybe even make things a little less serious and more carefree, more fun?  Then try Instant Openness, the friendly, feel-good pheromone formula.

As it says on the bottle, Instant Openness  is “A great way to get things started.” It allows you and those around you to just “Relax and watch the barriers melt away. ”  Usable at work and with friends, new or old, Instant Openness helps to lighten the mood and increase the flow (quantity) of communication.

Large amounts of Instant Openness can even help create a playful, euphoric atmosphere, reported as similar to having a glass of champagne. If you’re at all intimidating (or are using an intimidating pheromone mix), Instant Openness can also be used to help “soften” your image and make you easier to talk to.

– From the manufacturer’s website.

4) P-102

There’s no information on this one. They send it out to customers and we are supposed to test it and let them know the effects. Kinda cool.

My First Impression

I put in a pretty big order last week and it came literally in two days. That was nice.

It was in a regular USPS bubble wrapped in the package with a receipt and order invoice. Basically, it didn’t seem like it came from someone’s basement.

What was really awesome was that they sent me two free samples of pheromone perfumes that I didn’t even order! That’s pretty legit, so now instead of getting to try 2 different pheromone perfumes mixes for you, I will get to try 3 mixes and 1 basic compound.

my Second Impressions

To start off, I can say right away that you will not be wasting your money ordering these products. Not because they work, but because they smell fucking awesome.

I would absolutely buy these colognes just for the skin scents they provide. They are very musky and I love that. It’s hard to find a good musk nowadays.

So if they don’t work who cares I got some nice cologne. But maybe they will get me laid too 😉

Test 1: can pheromone perfume spice up The bedroom?

Romantic bedroom with candles
  • Product Used: TUTH A.K.A Turn Up The Heat

This is a purely sexual pheromone perfume meant to display sexual feelings.

Today is Saturday, June 22nd and I am writing about last night.

I just received these pheromone perfumes a few days ago and last night I got a call at 4:30 AM from a girl I hook up with from time to time. She always calls me drunk while on her way home from places since she has to pass my house to get home. Plus, she only lives 5 minutes away.

Anyway, she comes over last night after calling me at 4:30 and I decided to see what T.U.T.H (Turn Up The Heat) could do.

I hit myself with one spray on the neck/chest. It smells so fantastic I think it even turned me on a little bit. But seriously, I did notice immediate self-effects in the form of confidence and looseness. Kind of like a small buzz, probably the placebo effect, who knows…

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So I sneak the girl in and she is in a sexy little black dress, she has a perfect tan body, and we lie down on my bed.

Long story short, I was hardly able to get a sentence out before she lunged at me, starting our makeout.

Things escalated FAST!

Plus, she was breathing so heavy, and was all over me.

Whenever I hook up with this girl in situations like this, we always talk for 10 or so minutes, break in a little awkwardly for the first kiss and then she resists as I move my hand around her body.

Not this time.

I felt like we were animals.

No words were said, we were just going at it intensely, ripping each others’ clothing off. At one point she was just sucking on my neck where I sprayed the TUTH, and five minutes later she was giving me a blowjob. Well worth it.

I truly do have to say this encounter with her was completely different than the last five.

  • We have never engaged in Oral Sex.
  • It always takes her a little while to warm up, while this time she basically assaulted me.
  • She never lets me get her naked. But tonight it was like she was possessed and her clothes couldn’t come off fast enough.

I have to credit it to the TUTH. The reason I say this is because this is the second time I have had an experience like this with TUTH.

As I said above, 3 years ago I ordered AMMO and a small bottle of TUTH. Never really used it, but at one point I was having sex with my best friends’ his best girlfriend. They weren’t dating, but were just great friends.

One time out of the many, I sprayed myself with the TUTH and she was like an animal.

AGAIN no words were said, clothes ripped off and we had sex for ages.

Even though I didn’t have sex with the girl last night it was so similar.

These were the only two times I used TUTH, both where I was one-on-one with a girl in a guaranteed hookup.

I will never go without it again.

Test 2: can pheromone perfume help you Attract the opposite sex?

guy talking to a girl at the bar

Test 2 consisted of going out and talking to girls in the bar.

What I noticed was nothing like test 1.

I did not have any superman-like results. Girls were not fighting over me at the bar trying to get me to take them home and I wasn’t getting any crazy looks. Not anymore than usual anyway..

So as discouraging as that sounds, I still did notice that I had a little more confidence while wearing them because I assumed that I was wearing some magic special scent that could get me any girl. It opened me up a lot more and the placebo effect is a very powerful thing.5

So I have nothing exciting to report on while going out with pheromone perfumes and trying to pick up chick. Sorry guys.

So check that out in the verdict section because I think it will explain things clearly.

The Verdict: does pheromone perfume work?

Menprovement verdict

So what’s the verdict, does pheromone cologne work?

The verdict is…

pheromone perfumes do work, but not as much as you want them to. I will explain.
From the last few months, living my life under the influence of pheromone perfumes, I have come to a conclusion which I think makes perfect sense.

pheromone exist. Period.

They come out of our bodies and affect women’s emotions. Its nature. It’s a fact.

Down to the core, we are all just organisms. Extremely smart and complex organisms whose brains have the capacity to override instinct and use thought and reason. Bees and other animals that don’t have that ability to overrule their instinctive reaction rely on pheromone perfumes everyday for mating and much more.

Since its a fact that we give off these pheromones too, there must be a part of our instinctive personality that’s affected by them.

I just think most people can overcome this reaction with thought and reason, which is why I don’t believe that you can go out on the street and use pheromone perfumes to pick up a girl you’ve never met.

So do Phermones Work For Sex?

But, for sexual situations, where both parties are trusting and at ease, I think instincts truly start to take over. Which is why I think TUTH had such a strong effect on the girls I was with.

It made them drop all their inhibitions because they were in a situation to do so. They could let go and let their animal instincts take over in hot passionate sex. ????

A girl you just meet on the street is not going to let these inhibitions take over whether she is affected by the pheromone perfumes or not. She is going to be a rational thinker and come to the conclusion, on whether she likes this man or not by using her thoughts and reason.

So while T.U.T.H works, straight up, you are probably not going to have much luck going to bars and trying to win girls with pheromone perfumes. After all, everyone has them so it’s not like you have that much of an unfair advantage.

It will make her maul you. I am not kidding, it definitely made these girls horny and just ripped away any inhibitions.

So have fun with this stuff man, And if it doesn’t work for you, who cares, it smells awesome.


Some studies suggest that certain pheromones can influence female attraction, but the results are inconclusive.

Pheromone perfumes claim to increase human attraction, but scientific evidence supporting their efficacy is mixed.

Pheromone cologne typically lasts between 4-6 hours, but longevity can vary based on the product and individual factors.

Pheromones cologne claims to enhance attraction and social interactions, though scientific backing for these effects is not universally consistent.


  1. The Human Vomeronasal (Jacobson’s) Organ. NCBI. ↩︎
  2. Shahid, Z. (2023, May 1). Physiology, hypothalamus. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf. ↩︎
  3. Pheromones and their effect on women’s mood and sexuality. nCBI. ↩︎
  4. Mostafa, T., Khouly, G. E., & Hassan, A. (2012). Pheromones in sex and reproduction: Do they have a role in humans? Journal of Advanced Research, 3(1), 1–9. ↩︎
  5. Harvard Health. (2021, December 13). The power of the placebo effect. ↩︎

And if you want to read more of our research, check out these guides. ????????

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