How To make A Girl Horny

how to get your girlfriend horny

Table of Contents

I bet you are most likely scratching your head, wondering how to make a girl horny?? ????
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

You’ve certainly come to the right location.

I have dedicated more than a decade in understanding females and becoming a better lover. In this guide, I’m going to reveal the straightforward secrets that worked wonders for me.

Quick Overview

This is what you’ll learn in this post

How to Make Women Horny

First we’ll talk about how to make women horny in general.

How to Make A girl Horny on a date

Then we’ll talk about how to make a girl horny who you just met, or are on a date with.

How to make Your Girlfriend horny

And last, we’ll talk about how to get your girlfriend horny in a long term relationship – because that’s a whole other animal.

And in the end of the article, we’ll even talk about supplements and peptides your girl can use to shoot her libido through the roof. Just don’t slip them into her morning coffee without asking her first. ????

So sit back, relax and hold on tight – it’s about to get slippery in here.

How to Make Women horny

horny girlfriend

When I first tried these methods… Man, let’s just say I made some mistakes but also learned a lot. So, I’ve honed these tactics to perfection for you:

  • #1 Don’t be needy
  • #2 Be Decisive, Confident & Unapologetic
  • #3 Trigger Her Primal Attraction Signals

Follow these 5 steps and I can guarantee you, you can get any girl wet.

For the more hardcore stuff >>> jump to peptides.


But please – some of these techniques (especially the later ones) are extremely powerful. DO NOT use these if you plan to control or manipulate women. Never be pushy or pressure her. For her to be horny, she needs to feel safe. Just be a part of the process. And enjoy it.

#1 Don’t be a Needy Guy

Nothing dries up a woman’s desire more than a needy guy.

Think about the type of guy that makes women aroused. Usually, it’s the bad boy, or the rock star. The kind of guy women know they shouldn’t be with, but for “some reason” – always end up sleeping with anyway.

Why is this?

Every woman likes bad boys for one reason.

They don’t give a damn.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

This absolute lack of neediness awakens a girl’s sex drive like crazy.

But what’s really going on here is that these bad boys are autonomous, meaning that they always have a higher purpose than women.

They don’t need women or sex to be fulfilled.

That’s not to say they don’t express their sexual desire to women. They do, a lot.

But they don’t need any response to be successful or fulfilled.

They do it unconditionally.

It’s this autonomy that’s so appealing to women, not the bad boy attitude.

Anyone can be autonomous, even us nice guys. It just means that you have a higher purpose than women.

This can be your career, your passion, or whatever you’re doing in your day-to-day hustle.

key takeaway

It might sound contradictive – by just focussing on yourself and not giving an F about girls you make women aroused.

Related >>> How You Can Beat Your Approach Anxiety. ????

#2 Be Decisive, Confident & Unapologetic

a confident young man, walking through the street, a woman is looking at him

If you’re interested in how to make girls horny, I have a story for you..

I’ve never seen a group of girls get so horny, so fast as when I was in upstate New York at the Peekamoose Blue Hole – a really beautiful swimming hole where people come to party.

We were chilling by the water and there was a group of 6-7 girls, around the age of 27 next to us listening to music and drinking some alcoholic beverages.

They were super sexy.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement
Peekamoose Blue Hole

Turns out, your not supposed to bring food or drink into this location – so along came a 21 year old park ranger to tell off this group of rambunctious party girls. A tough ask for anyone.

Now most guys would come in and be super apologetic, not getting much respect or just pissing the group off. But not this guy. He was a fucking boss.

He walked up, stood up tall with his chest out and said in a deep and confident voice,

“ladies, there’s no drinking here – I’m going to need you to put your drinks away for me.”

Then he just stood silent without flinching.

He wasn’t a dick, he was just so un-phased and so sure of himself.

After a few seconds of silence the girls agreed and fumbled to get everything put away. I’ve never seen a group of women get so hot & so horny, SO fast in my life.

As soon as he left,

“Oh my Authority…”

one of them said as they fanned the heat off their chest.

The next 20 minutes consisted of them talking about how they basically wished he punished all of them by having his way with them right there. 

I’m sure these fantasies made it back to the bedroom later that night.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

The point is, women are super turned on by confidence, decisiveness and men who are not trying to impress them, but simply are expressing themselves unapologetically.

key takeaway

So when you’re on that date – be decisive, be sure of yourself and speak your truth. It’s hot.

#3 Trigger Her Primal Attraction Signals

Sounds a bit silly, but in reality, the next step to making a girl horny is to simply be sexy.

What does this mean?

Girls are attracted to guys, if you want to learn what her sexual accelerators are, you need to be attractive to her.

You need to be someone she wants to fuck.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

It doesn’t mean you need to look like Brad Pitt or Ryan gosling, but it does mean that you need to take care of yourself and show up looking well dressed, clean, smelling amazing and being strategically groomed.

A man who clearly has his shit together.

Think about it from your perspective…

You’re across the table from a beautiful woman.

Her skin is glowing, her body is super tight, her cleavage is popping out of her bright, red dress, and her butt is so juicy and full of DHA that….

It almost makes your brain explode.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

What’s going on here is that she is triggering your subconscious attraction signals.

You are programmed to be attracted to healthy and fertile women, so you can spread your seed and reproduce.

This happens on such a deep level that it bypasses your conscious awareness.

When you’re in the situation sitting across from a woman like this, it’s why every fiber in your being wants to jump across the table from her, rip her clothes off and mate with her as hard and as long as you can.

She makes you horny right?

I’m getting horny just thinking about this.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

The same goes for her.

YOU want to trigger HER subconscious attraction signals.

According to Rocco, my friend & renowned sex and relationship expert from – one of the ways to do that is to make her feel deeply desired and sexy. While this feeling might not hold the same significance for men, for women, it can be incredibly intoxicating and overwhelming.

She is also programmed to seek out a mate, who is healthy and virile. She’s also programmed to seek safety and security in a mate. So it’s not all about looks.  

Do muscles in the six pack help? Sur.,

But what is equally as important is intellect

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Financial security, purpose in life
  • And the ability to protect her

So stop eating cheeseburgers and watching porn as you ejaculate your REAL life force into your bedsheets twice a day.

key takeaway

  • Hit the gym, eat foods that fill you with energy Clean up your wardrobe
  • Keep your hair and beard styled and groomed
  • Take care of your skin
  • Learn how to manage your finances and cultivate wealth.

Then, when you’re sitting across her, you’re gonna make her as horny as the girl I described before would do to you.

How To Make A Girl Horny On A Date

a guy on a romantic date with a gorgeous woman

So I know how to make a girl horny. Now what?

Good question. You indeed know what the sexual accelerators of a girl are, but making a girl aroused on a date is whole different ballgame

You see, on a date you have way more opportunities for physical stuff like touching

Here is what I am going to cover in this section. ????????

  • #4 Master Seductive Touch
  • #5 Try Pheromones
  • #6 Learn tantric dance

#4 Master Seductive Touch

When talking about how to get a girl horny, there is no faster way than by mastering the art of seductive touch.

We are sensual creatures, and so much of our sexuality is linked to our sense of touch.

That’s why you always hear about the famous erogenous zones, or spots on a woman’s body parts that you can touch (or lick) that will ignite her sexuality almost instantaneously.

I actually created an e-book about the female erogenous zones. Most people charge money for these kind of things but I actually want you to be a better lover so I am just going to give it to you for free.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement
Female eurogenous blueprint

Now, when you’re out in a club or on a first date (or just hanging out with a girl on your couch at home), it wouldn’t be normal to just start licking a girl’s collarbone, or the soft spot behind her knee.

These are good for later on when we talk about how to get your girlfriend horny.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

But when it comes to a new, romantic partner, touch is still very much part of the game.

Since this is a very hands-on (no pun intended) activity, it is much more easy to learn through visual training – so I’m going to do you guys a solid.

Below, you will find a full video from our in-house dating expert John Cooper, which will break down exactly how to use seductive touch while talking to a girl in a club or at a bar to get her turned on and feeling horny.

Even how to go in for the kiss.

This is just one and 40 HD video lessons in our program, called The Ultimate Dating Program, which will teach you every step of the seduction process, and how to become an absolute master with the opposite sex. Enjoy this free lesson on us:

key takeaways

Touching is one of the most important aspects of making someone aroused. Just by understanding the female erogenous zones you can get massive results.

#5 Try Pheromones

Pheromones meme

When you were searching how to make a woman horny, you may have been looking for some secret sequence of words or “special” potion that you can sprinkle over her head to instantly make her want to have sex with you (under her own free will).

A guy can dream, right. ????????‍♂️

But maybe this ideas not too far off.

There are companies out there, real companies – not the fake ones who sell you a bunch of bullshit, who are successfully putting human pheromones into colognes.

What Are Pheromones?

Pheromones are natural scents that humans and animals release, often through sweat, which can attract the opposite sex. They are like invisible signals that can affect people’s behavior and feelings without them even realizing it. Pheromones play a big role in attraction and mating in the animal kingdom, and they also have an effect on human attraction.

It’s real and it’s backed by science.1

But does putting these pheromones on your skin actually cause women to want to f*ck you?

I had the same question many years ago – so I put it to the test.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

I tried out the most badass underground pheromones that I could find in all the weirdest, shady corners of the dark web, and the results were quite… surprising.

Well, this is not some potion that’s going to cause a girl to want to have sex with you if she wouldn’t already, thankfully. I’m not for manipulating or tricking anyone into sex.

But if a girl is into him, pheromones might just allow her to loosen up and let go of her inhibitions a bit, which was what happened in my scenario.

I used these things when going on a date with a girl who I have had sex with before, but on this occasion, when I tried out these pheromones, the girl absolutely ravished me.

I mean, she couldn’t wait to get my clothes off.

She was like a wild animal, sucking and licking the spots on my neck where I apply the pheromones. 

We skipped the flirting and went straight to the interesting stuff.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

key takeaways

Pheromones are worth mentioning. They can make a woman who is already attracted to you sexual aroused.

#6 Learn Tantric Dance

You may not have any idea what I’m talking about when I say Tantric dance and you know what, neither do I.

All I know was that it was 2 AM at a nightclub in Budapest when I first saw him. Itallo.

An average looking guy who somehow was seducing and making out with all the HOTTEST girls on the dance floor.

I’ve never seen anything like it, so much so that I approached him afterwards, and insisted that he and I grab lunch the next day.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

I said down and the first thing I litterally asked him was,

“what the heck was that last night???”

I was standing on the edge of the dance floor all night trying to talk to and dance with these beautiful girls, and I wasn’t getting anywhere.

And the skinny, average-looking dude, was pulling them from wherever he wanted, twirling them around the dance floor, and within five minutes they would be making out.

What he told me to this day is not something that I have been able to find.

What he told me was that he had taken a Tantric dance class, and learned to connect with women’s sexual energy through dance.

Now tantric dance aside, what was basically happening was that he knew how to fucking dance like an absolute pro.

He was grabbing these girls, leading them without any hesitation, and they would succumb to his whim instantaneously.

The dancing was so close, erotic and sensual, that it didn’t matter what he looks like.

The girls just melted let go of all of their inhibitions, and turned into the magnificent and wild, sensual and sexual beings that they were.

Later that year I bumped into a group of guys who use this vibrating leg technique while dancing with women to actually make them orgasm on the dance floor. But that’s a story for another day.

The point is, if you want to know how to make a woman horny, then knowing how to dance will go a very long way.

key takeaway

If you can let go of your inhibitions, and you know how to move your body and lead a partner to sensual hip-hop or Latin music, then you’re going to easily be able to turn your partner on very quickly – because dancing is an extremely sensual act.

It’s the closest thing to having sex in public, and often leads to the latter...

How to make your girlfriend horny

If you already have a wife or girlfriend, congratulations. ????

You probably think that the hardest part is over and the mission is completed.

Hate to break it to you, but getting your girlfriend horny can actually be 10x more difficult than getting a “regular” girl in the mood.

Drawing of girlfriend eating popcorn while touching boyfriend

You see, in the beginning everything is exciting and both of you are full of butterflies. But after a while, those butterflies start to fly away and your sex life can become pretty… boring.

That’s why knowing how to get your partner horny can be a game changer in your relationship.

  • #7 Anticipation drives her wild
  • #8 Foreplay Foreplay Foreplay
  • #9 Learn to Give an Erotic Massage
  • #10 Learn to Read her Signals
  • #11 Be Really Good in Bed

#7 Anticipation Drives Her WILD

Women are very imaginative creatures.

This is why they love erotic literature so much and why Fifty Shades of Grey was such a sensation. ????????

Fifty shades of grey statistics
Horny girlfriend drawing

Men like porn, but women opt for erotic literature because they like to use their imagination. They like to visualize and fantasize, and if you want to make her horny and you need to feed this.

I did an interview last year with Laura Korn, author of 101 Night of Great Sex and she taught me something very cool. She taught me how to get my wife horny before I even got home from work.

Here’s what you do:

Text your wife or GF in the middle of the day and let her know not to make any plans after work. Tell her to run a hot bath and light some candles because you have something very special planned for her.

Or if you two are into it, set up some sort of role-play idea that will kick start upon your arrival.

The anticipation will drive her wild.

She’ll be thinking and thinking all day about what you’re going to do to her. What you have planned. She’ll be so wet and so horny by the time you get home that foreplay won’t be an issue.

key takeaway

Get your girlfriend horny by making HER want YOU. By starting in advance and letting her fantasize all the things you are going to do to her she will paint a picture of you two having romantic steamy sex.

Speaking of which…

#8 Foreplay Foreplay Foreplay

Women are not like men – they don’t just turn on for sex immediately at the drop of a dime.

They need to be warmed up. They need to be caressed and eased into it.

If you want to know how to make your girlfriend horny, then you need to know how to master foreplay.

When you’re lying or sitting next to each other, and things start to heat up – don’t go straight for her pussy, take it slow.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

Spend five or so minutes just kissing, just connecting with her. Then make your way down the side of your neck and give little kisses to her earlobes. These are fantastic hotspots.

You can study up all the female erogenous zones2 – but the big ones are,

  • The collarbone
  • The side of the neck
  • Her earlobes
  • The inner thigh
  • The areas around the nipple.
This infographic will show you the other hot spots.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement
Female hotspots infographic

Her nipple might be very sensitive at first so when the shirt does come off, don’t go straight for it. Going to her nipples or clit too fast can actually be painful to her.

Work your way around them with your tongue and your hand, massaging her breasts.

She’ll be really starting to heat up at this point, and most like ready for some more intense stimulation.

When the pants come off, if she’s feeling wet – then this means she’s ready for sex. But you can still take it slow with some dry humping and progresson to oral sex and fingering.


Here’s what you do, tell her to hide a dime-sized bit of honey somewhere on her body and then your job is going to be to find it using only your tongue.

This is going to be a fun game for both of you and is going to tickle all of her erogenous zones as you navigate her beautiful skin with your tongue and lips.

key takeaway

It is scientifically proven that women are more sexually aroused by foreplay than men. Knowing how to have proper foreplay can make your girl horny.3

#9 Learn to Give an Erotic Massage

massage therapist massaging a gorgeous blonde woman

If you reaaaaally want to know how to get your wife or girlfriend horny, then you need to learn how to massage her correctly. It’s a cheat code.

Erotic massage is an amazing way to get your wife relaxed, wet and ready for sex. It is the ultimate foreplay.

If you want to master it, in my buddy Yuval Mann’s sexual mastery program he teaches you how to give an expert erotic massage.

He breaks it down and a full-length video with a REAL model so you’ll know exactly what to do. Check it out.

Yuvall man picture
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Yuval mann picture with blonde woman

But for the cliff notes version, just light some candles, set a really relaxing environment with some low lighting and grab some organic massage oil.

Heat it up and have your wife take a hot bath and lay on the bed naked. Massage every inch of her body and progress eventually to her inner thighs and breasts.

At this point she should be warmed up and begging you to finger her, but as always, ask for her permission and tell her you would love to massage her pussy if it’s OK with her.

If she says, yes, then begin to finger her and give her a Yoni massage.4

You can also learn how to do this and Yuval’s course.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

While you’re doing that you can lick her nipples and suck her tits. She’ll be experiencing pure bliss at this point.

I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.

key takeaway

An erotic massage can be a HUGE turn on for your wife/girlfriend. Learning how to do this is highly recommended.

#10 Learn to Read her Signals

Getting a woman horny and understanding her mind might seem like decoding the Da Vinci Code, but most women have clear signs. And let me tell you, when you learn to read them, it’s like you’ve unlocked a superpower.5

Action Plan:

As you escalate the teasing and touching, pay attention to her reactions. Does she lean in? Does she playfully hit you when you’re being cheeky? These are golden signals, my friend.

If she responds by getting closer, speaking in hushed tones, or touching you back, then bingo!

You’ve lit the fire of desire.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

From here you can lean in and start kissing her. The trick is to kiss her when the sexual tension is at a peak. You will unleash a wave of dopamine and she will be even more horny.

key takeaways

Understanding what makes your girlfriend horny is the first step in actually making her horny.

#11 Be Really Good in Bed

I am the sex god meme

There’s nothing that will make your girlfriend more horny than the ideas and memories that flow through her head when she thinks about just how good you can fuck her.

Think about it…

If your relationship has gone stagnant and your girlfriend is just not craving sex from you, it can be due to the fact that she just isn’t craving what you are giving her.

I know that when you have sex, YOU are cumming. There’s no doubt about that. But is she?

scientific Fact:

In a recent survey of 100 women, only 11% reported that they consistently orgasm during sex with their partners.6

If every time you had sex with your wife, she finished without you finishing – leaving you disappointed and unfulfilled – would you crave sex with her?

The answer is no!

So why would she?

If you want to know how to get your girlfriend horny, then learn how to make her orgasm like she never has before.

Then instead of associating sex with you as a chore – she will crave it all day long.

She’ll be day dreaming of that thing you do with your tongue, and by the time you get home she’ll be begging you to rip her clothes off and give her what no other guy can.

There are many ways to pleasure her.

  • Fingering
  • Oral sex
  • Making her squirt
  • Full body orgasms
  • Lasting longer and fucking better

Honestly, the best way to get really good at sex is through video training + practice.

The best sex training I know of is by my boy Yuval Mann. His course has over 40 HD video lessons with live examples on real models and will teach you everything.

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The practice, that’s up to you.

key takeaways

Being good in bed is one of the most effective ways to get your wife horny. The best way to become better is by learning it from an expert.

Peptides That Will Make Your Girlfriend Horny

If you’re interested in helping your girlfriend get horny through the magic of peptides, I can certainly share some cool options with you.

While these peptides may not be love potions, they might add a little spark to the fire.

What Are Peptides?

Peptides are short strings of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. They are smaller than proteins and can be easier for the body to absorb. Peptides are involved in a variety of functions in the body, including building muscles, boosting the immune system, and keeping our skin and hair healthy. They’re also used in various medical treatments and skincare products because of their healing and rejuvenating properties.

Just remember:

  • Peptides are new, and can be intimidating to many – but they are regarded as quite safe and extremely effective. Just be sure to do your own research before using them.
  • If you decide to move forward, do so under the care of a functional medical doctor who know about peptides.
  • Buy from a safe source! We recommend

Melanotan II

I first heard about Melanotan on the Ben Greenfield Fitness podcast where ben spoke about how he loves Melanotan, but when he uses it he can barely sleep because he’s so horny. He has to fuck all night.

I often tell couples about this peptide because it has been nicknamed the “Barbie drug” due to its ability to induce tanning.

Girls love to be tan.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

Plus, it has also gained attention for its reported ability to enhance sexual desire. It can activate receptors in the brain associated with sexual arousal, potentially aiding in “making her horny.”

A buddy of mine in San Diego lives with two girls and he got them into Melanotan for fitness competitions.

Long story short, he ended up having sex with both of them 2 weeks later.


Maybe, but I don’t think so.

All this being said, just like with other peptides, safety and proper usage should be your top priorities.

Not banging your roomates…

So How does Sexual chemistry work?

Sexual chemistry

I remember back in college, there was this guy, Jake.

Now, Jake was no Ryan Gosling, but when he walked into a room, it kind of felt like the whole class paused. At least four girls would be staring at him.

I swear to god – everytime he walked in you would almost hear a DJ scratch sound effect. ????
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

So why was Jake so interesting?

Well, Jake had sexual chemistry with a lot of women in my class.

This attraction is a mix of physical, emotional, and psychological vibes. And guess what? It’s not just about looks.

As I mentioned before, our bodies actually release these special scents called pheromones, and they can seriously attract the opposite sex.

So, when you have eye contact with someone and feel that magnetic pull, that’s sexual chemistry in action.

And it’s not just about wanting to jump each other’s bones—it’s about making the woman feel desired
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

But, just as there are sexual accelerators, there are also sexual brakes.

Imagine cruising on a highway and suddenly spotting a speed bump – you slow down, right? 

Similarly, pressures, insecurities, or past experiences can be these “brakes” in a woman’s mind.

That’s why the most important thing is to focus on building the connection and sexual tension before making any moves.

This will not only make the woman like you, but will build trust so she’ll put her guard down, and you will have a much higher success rate.

Wrapping Up

AYou’ve now got the blueprint on how to ramp up that desire. But remember, this journey of understanding and connection doesn’t stop here.

If you’re eager to dive deeper, step up your game, and truly master the art of sexual pleasure, just try Yuval’s program.

It is honestly one of the best hands-on courses I have ever taken that’ll not only teach you how to get your girlfriend horny but also unlock the secrets to make her squirt. 

Don’t just be good; be unforgettable.

Yuvall man picture
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Build trust, ensure she’s comfortable, and build sexual tension.

Ensure a relaxed environment, prioritize her comfort, communicate openly about preferences, and build sexual tension.

To make a girl horny as fast as possible you need to touch her in her eurogenous zones. These are spots like the collarbone, inner thighs, ears and inner wrist. This e-book teaches you exactly what and where those spots are.

To make your girlfriend hornier is with for play. This already starts when you two or not together and you text her how much you miss her.


  1. Pheromones and their effect on women’s mood and sexuality. NCBI. ↩︎
  2. Santos-Longhurst, A. (2019, April 4). Everything you need to know about erogenous zones. Healthline. ↩︎
  3. Freeman, J., & Turvey, B. E. (2023). Interpreting offender motive. In Elsevier eBooks (pp. 517–547). ↩︎
  4. Ames, H. (2022, February 24). What yoni massage is and how to practice it. ↩︎
  5. Wikipedia contributors. (2024i, February 19). The Da Vinci Code (film). Wikipedia. ↩︎
  6. ABC News. (2009, September 16). Female orgasm may be tied to “Rule of thumb.” ABC News. ↩︎

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