Josh Hudson is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist renowned for his specialized focus on helping men overcome porn addiction and improve their relationships. He regularly contributes to Menprovement, where his detailed articles, such as “The Health Benefits of Not Ejaculating for a Week” and “The NoFap Timeline,” offer practical advice based on his counseling experience. Josh earned his Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from California State University, Chico.


Josh Hudson's Background



Menprovement: Self Improvement For Men

Work Experience

Besides writing, Josh conducts workshops and personal coaching, applying his innovative techniques to help men achieve healthier, more fulfilling relationships. His actionable methods and clear insights have established him as a trusted expert within the community. Josh also has a YouTube channel where he helps over 19.000 active subscribers overcome relationship difficulties.

Co-Founder of Pinnacle of Man

Josh is the co-founder and the lead coach at Pinnacle of Man. He creates programs that help men improve their marriages and become stronger leaders in their relationships.

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Counselor at New Beginnings Educational Programs

From 2015 to 2016, he worked as a Group Counselor at New Beginnings Educational Programs, where he conducted therapy sessions addressing issues like anger, domestic violence, and other serious challenges.


Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist at Coaching Through Chaos

Since 2016, he has been a Marriage and Family Therapist at Coaching Through Chaos, specializing in counseling that helps individuals manage stress, maintain emotional well-being, and achieve personal goals.


Behavior Therapist at the ABA Group

Between 2016 and 2018, Josh was a Behavior Therapist at the ABA Group. In this role, he provided therapy that supported children and families dealing with developmental and behavioral challenges.

Menprovement: Self Improvement For Men

Press Appearances

Josh has also written and published numerous books.

"He is torn by the dual desires of wanting to only be in Brooklyn writing about housing policy and smart home tech and aspiring to visit his friends scattered across the globe."

Menprovement: Self Improvement For Men

Josh's Articles on Menprovement

Josh has also written and published numerous books.

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