Benefits of Quitting Porn

a man being addicted to his phone

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I have a confession to make…

I love watching porn.
sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

For real, it’s amazing. I remember the first time I saw it at age 13, it was like fireworks went off in my brain. Then when I got a little older fireworks started to go off elsewhere.

The next 10 years of my life were filled with watching porn daily. It was as natural as breathing and I honestly never thought it was a problem. That was until I realized I was 23 years old, at a job I hated, lacking any sort of a sex life (and when I did have sex I had trouble keeping an erection – I think I honestly enjoyed watching porn over sex) and I was just feeling low.

So I decided to change my life

a successful happy guy

I got into personal development and one of the first things I learned about was the benefits of quitting porn. So I tried it.

I thought:

fuck it, It’s time to start quitting porn for good.


I almost died. For real. I never realized how after 10 years of daily por sites visitations that I was truly addicted to watching porn. Years went by of trying to quit watching porn but no matter how long I went without it (10 days, 90 days, 228 days – my previous record) I ALWAYS went back.

It wasn’t until I learned about the HCT Method (learn more below) that I was finally able to stop watching porn, for good.

And let me tell you, the benefits of quitting porn are real. So real.

life Force Mastery
  • Quit Porn Effortlessly – No Willpower, No Therapy
  • Transform Urges – Channel Porn Cravings into unlimited energy
  • Confidence & Drive – Boost Confidence and Motivation

It’s why I now own my own business, travel the world, have a smoking hot wife, and have a fulfilled sex life. Quitting porn was the catalyst for the life-changing growth that got me to where I am today.

So below I have outlined the top 10 benefits I have noticed since quitting porn. If you want to feel them yourself and save yourself the years of trial and error I went through, follow the path I took (learn more below). It works.

key takeaways

  • Dopamine highjacks and novelty traps – that’s why porn can be so addictive.????????
  • Acknowledge, act, and adapt – the three-step waltz to kick porn addiction.????????️‍♂️
  • Our buddy Covenant Eyes helps shield you from unwanted temptations.????️????????

Also Read >>> Fapping: Myths Vs. Facts.

The Benefits of Quitting Porn

a confident man feeling amazing and charming a woman

Before I jump into the many benefits of quitting porn, after reading 300 comments on this article I just want to note a few things:

1: I am not religious. And I don’t think that the non-judgmental energy of the universe cares if you watch porn or not. This is not a moral issue, I’m just stating that without it your life will improve. Take it or leave it.

2: Not all men have a problem with watching porn. Some can watch it when they want and lead healthy successful lives and crush it with the ladies. But if it holds you back (with women or in general), even a little, then this is something to think about.

3: Masturbation is natural and can be healthy. I am not referring to masturbation in this article, just masturbation to watching porn.

So, what are the top 10 benefits I noticed after quitting porn? Let’s get into it.

Related >>>> Health benefits of NOT Masturbating.
Related >>> Scientific Health Benefits of NoFapping.

1) access the best version of yourself

Quitting Porn Allows You to Access Your Best Self

It was hard for me to let go of porn. But no matter how I looked at it, I realized that the best version of myself does not watch porn. And I believe powerfully that the best version of yourself does not watch porn.

But you have to know. I can only speak for myself.

What I do know for sure is that I continuously see men kickstart insane personal growth from quitting porn. It acts as a catalyst and so often men not only see tremendous benefits from quitting porn, but they continue to crush it in other areas of their life – like business, dating, sex, and more.

So take a second with me and close your eyes. Imagine the life you want to create. Imagine in as vivid detail as you can. Take your time, and do it now.

Now answer this question:

Is this ideal version of you jerking off to pornography every night?

If the answer is no, and you want to be that person, then do something about it.

2) you will become less lazy

Men no longer have to make any attempt at fulfilling their sexuality. It is the worst thing that ever happened to the race. Men used to go out of their way to win the hearts of women they wanted. They used to be romantic and bold. Now they just stay home and spend countless hours jerking off to internet porn instead.

Read More >>> NoFap Timeline: from Day 1 – 90+.

3) Your motivation will skyrocket

There is no reason to go to the gym. There is no reason to do your hair and make yourself look good.

Porn will never reject you no matter how you look, and regardless of how much money you make. When there is no primal need to impress the opposite sex in order to fill man’s instinctive need for lust, men let themselves go and lurk in their house in their underwear.

4) Your self-image and body image will improve

Porn sets unrealistic standards for men. To be in porn men must have abnormally large “talent.” Men who are watching internet porn consistently grow to see that as the norm and themselves as inadequate.

It’s a slippery slope because this insecurity keeps men from having sex with women, in turn driving them deeper into porn use.

5) You will stop craving porn over sex

Porn is now so fantastically HD, with every sexual fantasy imaginable at the click of a mouse. The pleasure of watching porn is starting to overtake the pleasure of actual sex if it hasn’t already done so.1

Men searching hundreds of fetishes and videos in a matter of an hour now find sexual satisfaction with a woman of the standard they can get (because of the porn) boring, and unpleasurable.

I could link to 100 + examples easily of just men who just can’t get sexual satisfaction from their girl anymore.

sean’s Tip:

If this sounds like you, then you really need to sort yourself out. Get on the forums, there are many people who have been through the same thing who can help you along the way.

6) Porn causes Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Because of reasons 4 and 5, porn causes erectile dysfunction in an enormous amount of men. Watching porn becomes the only thing that can stimulate them because of the intense visual experience it offers the brain. This experience is unnatural, and real sex becomes bland and un-stimulating.2

The experience of porn is so unnatural, that it actually causes the brain to release unnatural amounts of Dopamine, the reward chemical.

The brain becomes so accustomed to this unnatural level of dopamine that without porn you cannot achieve an erection and you straight feel like crap.3

It is a proven fact that porn affects the brain the exact same way as other addictive drugs.

7) You will find women more attractive

I think the greatest gift of quitting your porn addiction is how you start to perceive the women around you.

After months of no porn, your attraction to women will go through the roof. It is truly remarkable.

  • Just the sight of a woman’s skin will turn you on

Being free of porn you start to really appreciate the beauty of women. Just the sight of a woman’s skin or her smell will be enough to throw your attraction into overdrive. Your sexual instincts will be back where they are supposed to be, and you will crave women like never before.

  • You will start to notice women you once found unattractive

Women that once were not up to your porn standards really start to pop out at you. You will start to see the beauty in women that you once overlooked because they did not have the bodies of porn stars.

I find myself more and more surprised at some of the women I find attractive and for what reasons. It is really a beautiful thing.
sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

8) You will be better with women

This should be reason enough for anyone to quit porn. I promise you that after months of no porn, and even better, no masturbation, you will be better with women (out of necessity!). And not just a little better, but a lot better.

  • You will crave women, instead of craving your favorite videos

Have you ever gotten that incredible sexual urge that comes out of nowhere? To a regular porn viewer to the first thing they do is head to the internet. To men who don’t watch porn, the first thing they do is head to their cell phone to call a real girl. Or they go out and meet one.

  • You will find it easier to talk to women

Many men who give up porn find that they start to interact much smoother with women. A lot of their anxiety towards the opposite sex fades and they start to feel more confident and smooth.

9) Sex will be more satisfying

Instead of having erectile dysfunction and not finding sex as satisfying as porn, you will be the opposite. After months without porn in your life, your pleasure for sex will skyrocket.

  • You will have better, harder erections with women

Without porn numbing, your sexual stimulation, just the touch of a woman will be enough to get you up and going. Actual sex will feel so different than it ever did. So much more powerful and pleasurable.

  • Your intimacy levels during sex will be something that you never experienced before

If you are like most men who started watching porn at an extremely young age, you have probably never even experienced intense intimacy. You have sexually numbed yourself from porn for years. Your first sexual experience free from porn will be like a sexual awakening.

You will also be much better at sex itself. You will be more in touch with a woman’s body, and your own. You won’t have any performance anxiety issues and your sexual freedom and spirituality will increase.

Sex can be the greatest experience there is, you just need to lose the porn. I would quit porn just for this benefit alone!
sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

10) you will simply be a better version of yourself

It’s a fact that if you can give up porn you will be a better version of yourself.

  • You will think clearer and be less stressed
  • You will find women more attractive
  • You will be better with women
  • Your sex life will improve
  • You will have more energy

So if you want to experience the benefits of quitting porn for yourself then give it a shot! Just note that when you quit watching porn you may feel like shit for a few days due to withdrawals, but after your brain has rebalanced you will feel amazing.

If you find it difficult to quit porn, then follow the path I took and use the HCT Method to eliminate your cravings. I tried to quit for years, but willpower alone is NOT ENOUGH! Don’t waste your time.

I’m in Josh Hudson’s HCT Program. He’s our partner and he’s my boy. Not only will you’ll learn to eliminate porn from your life but you’ll be part of an exclusive group with me and over 1.000 other men all taking on the same challenge as you.
sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

You’ll also have access to weekly Zoom meetings and you’ll even be assigned an accountability partner & be put in an accountability group with 4 other dudes to keep each other on track. It’s legit.

If you want to learn more you can watch Josh’s webinar or sign up here.

Being addicted to porn and masturbation is no joke, but you can get rid of your porn habit bro. I promise.

Additional Notes

1: Masturbation is not the culprit being covered in this article, and it is a natural thing. However that being said, there is scientific evidence showing that it has negative consequences on your brain’s biochemistry, and its effects differ from having regular sex. So in short, just opt for sex.

2: Millions of men are starting to realize how much porn has messed up their lives. We have women emailing us every week about the fact that they have to leave their boyfriends or husbands because of it. If you are in the generation that missed hardcore internet porn growing up, you’re lucky.

But kids are growing up on more and more intense porn from the age of ten. If you have kids, do what you can to educate your kids, and shape them into solid, confident men.

Why Is Pornography So Addictive?

a man in underwear watching his phone looking pathetic

Alright guys, let me level with you. My first run-in with pornography was like finding a cheat code in a video game. It was an “Ah-Ha!” moment that, for too many of us, spirals into a never-ending cycle of addiction.

But why, you might ask?

It’s A Dopamine Fiesta ????

Essentially, it all boils down to dopamine.4 This little neurotransmitter is like the party planner of our brain—it gets things going when we’re having a good time. Whether that’s devouring a mouth-watering steak or scoring that much-coveted promotion, dopamine is in the driver’s seat. Now, pornography is like a shortcut to this dopamine joyride.

Studies, Like The One From JAMA Psychiatry,5 Show That The Brain Of Someone Who Regularly Consumes Porn Remarkably Resembles The Brain Of Someone Addicted To Substances, Such As Cocaine Or Heroin.

That’s Because When You Consume Porn, Your Brain Is Soaked With Dopamine. Over Time, Your Brain Craves This Dopamine Rush And Knows Precisely Where To Get It—The Boundless, 24/7 World Of Internet Pornography.

The Lure of Novelty

Another factor we need to discuss is novelty. Our brains are like a toddler in a toy store, absolutely thrilled by new things. The vast variety in pornography provides an infinite source of novelty, further pushing those dopamine levels through the roof which makes quitting porn extremely difficult.

The Evolutionary Trap

Here’s where it gets tricky. Our brains, hardwired from our caveman days, have a primitive instinct to spread our genes. Pornography dupes our brain into thinking it’s achieving this very goal, making the porn habit even more challenging to kick. It’s like a loophole in a game that keeps giving you bonus points.6

The Accessibility Issue

Finally, what makes it worse? Porn is easily accessible7, it’s private, and most of it is free. This trifecta creates an addictive behavior that’s like quicksand—the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.

How Can I Stop Watching Pornography?

a man trying to escape his phone

Now comes the crucial question, “How can I break free from this dopamine hostage situation?” Here’s the blueprint, guys. It’s going to be a tough ride, but I promise it’s worth every sweat and tear.

Acceptance: The First Step ????

First off, we’ve got to face reality. You can’t conquer what you don’t confront. If you find that your porn habit is hampering your life, own up to it. This acceptance doesn’t make you any less of a man. In fact, it makes you a man ready to reclaim control.

Covenant Eyes
  • Blocks porn from all your devices.
  • Signals your personal buddy whenever you feel the urges.
  • Accountability and support from your personal buddy

Substitute with Healthier Activities

Once you’ve recognized the issue, it’s time to bump up your mental and physical health with some good, dopamine-boosting activities. Hit the gym, take up a new hobby, and master a new skill.

Seek Support

This step is crucial.

There’s an unwarranted stigma around discussing pornography addiction. But hey, it’s 2023, we’re evolved men, and there’s no shame in seeking help. Connect with a therapist, join a support group, or find a mentor. You’ll be surprised how many resources and people are ready to lend a hand in your journey.

Practice Mindfulness

This one’s a game-changer when it comes to quitting porn. Become aware of your triggers—what times or situations make you most likely to jerk off on porn sites. Is it late at night? When you’re stressed? Or simply bored? Identify these triggers and make a conscious effort to do something different and start quitting porn.

Patience: Your New Best Friend

Remember this change won’t happen overnight. Just like building a chiseled physique takes time, breaking free from your porn addiction requires patience and persistence. But with every passing day, you’ll be one step closer to reclaiming control over your life. Stay the course, my friend. You’ve got this! ????

Use a Porn Blocker

My last great tip would be to use a porn blocker. Think of a porn blocker like a solid, reliable goalie, preventing any unwanted content from slipping into your net. ????

Pro Tip:

At MenProvement, we believe in working smart, not hard. So, we recommend you enlist the help of Covenant Eyes. It’s your reliable wingman in this journey, offering not just content blocking but also a cool ‘accountability partners’ feature. It’s like having a spotter at the gym—there to prevent you from buckling under pressure.

To sum up, if you want to succeed in this personal growth journey, let Covenant Eyes be your virtual mentor.

Covenant Eyes
  • Blocks porn from all your devices.
  • Signals your personal buddy whenever you feel the urges.
  • Accountability and support from your personal buddy

Wrapping up

Alright, guys, that’s it. Below are some great articles that will help you kick the porn addiction and help you realize just how powerful it is. Check them out if this article has inspired change in your life.

  3. Benefits of Not Ejaculating For a Week

I hope this helped you. If so, share this on Facebook. And for updates on more life-improving articles subscribe to our mailing list below.


  1. Confusedinlove. (2003, December 10). Boyfriend likes porn better than Sex. Advice please.. [Online forum post]. ↩︎
  2. Your Brain On Porn. (2023, February 21). Tales of Porn-Related ED 1 – Je hersenen op porno – Pagina 1 van 8. Your Brain on Porn. ↩︎
  3. Author, G. (2017, October 12). A cure for impotence: Stop using porn! Covenant Eyes. ↩︎
  4. Lcsw, A. B. C. (2024, February 1). Why is porn addictive? – Addiction Center. Addiction Center. ↩︎
  5. Kühn, S., & Gallinat, J. (2014b). Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption. JAMA Psychiatry, 71(7), 827. ↩︎
  6. Burtăverde, V., Jonason, P. K., Giosan, C., & Ene, C. (2021). Why do people watch porn? An evolutionary perspective on the reasons for pornography consumption. Evolutionary Psychology, 19(2), 147470492110287. ↩︎
  7. Groves, J. (2014, August 19). Online porn is too easy to access, say 80% of 18-year-olds. Mail Online. ↩︎

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