How to Get Rid Of Masturbation Addiction

Every second more than 28,000 people watch pornography. ????????

Amount of people that view porn per second

Do you think these people (often men) are watching porn on the couch with their family while having a cup of tea? Of course they don’t – they most likely masturbate to it. A compulsive masturbation addiction is a huge problem in the world.

The NCBI report suggests that 30-70% of individuals suffering from hypersexuality also grapple with an addiction to masturbation. 1

I was one of them. I used to masturbate twice a day and liked it more than sex.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

Luckily, I was able to quit porn and get rid of my masturbation addiction.

A lot of the articles online are written by doctors who studied about it but haven’t actual experienced a masturbation addiction. That’s why I wanted to give you my pesonal take on this so you know when you are addicted and how to stop it.

key takeaways

  • Most people masturbate for sexual pleasure or because they’re horny.
  • Skipping tasks, hiding it and paying money are signs of a masturbation addiction.
  • Joining an (online) support group like Covenant Eyes is the easiest way to overcome your masturbation addiction.

The Science of Porn and Masturbation

Ever had that unbeatable feeling after crushing a gym session or nailing a work presentation? That’s dopamine1, our brain’s “feel good” MVP. When you masturbate (or fap) your brain gets flooded with this same dopamine.

This video explains really well what’s actually going on in your brain when you watch online porn. ????????

It’s like the high-five your brain gives you for something pleasurable. But here’s the thing, too much of this and you risk dulling that high-five over time.

Masturbation Overload: Recognizing the Signs

Now each person can experience different masturbation addiction symptoms but according to research, these are the signs you should be looking for.2

  • More to Feel Good: You need to do it more often for the same pleasure.
  • Getting Edgy: You feel cranky if you try to cut back or stop.
  • Skipping Tasks: Choosing self-pleasure over daily duties.
  • Missing Events: Passing on hangouts or events to masturbate.
  • Relationship Issues: Friends or partners notice and are concerned.
  • Work Problems: Taking too many “breaks” affecting job performance.
  • Always Looking: You’re always searching for adult content.
  • Hiding It: You’re secretive about your habits.
Another thing I personally noticed is that I started to pay money for porn. I even got to the point where I had to borrow money.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

Borrowing money is a sign of a drug addiction but can also be also considered as a sign of a porn addiction.

Diving into the Why: Causes of Chronic Masturbation

Now before I am going to tell you how to get rid of your masturbation addiction you need to know why you have it in the first place. According to Cleveland Clinic,4 there are multiple reasons why you might be masturbating:

  • Compulsive Sexual Behavior: Simply put, it’s when you constantly feel the need for sexual activity, more than usual.
  • Compulsive Sexual Thoughts: Sometimes, the mind just keeps circling back to sexual ideas, pushing you towards more masturbation.
  • Emotional Triggers: Feeling down or stressed? You might be turning to compulsive masturbation as a quick fix.
  • Routine and Habit: For some, it just becomes a part of the daily grind, like having that morning coffee.
  • Boredom: Yep, when there’s nothing to do, your thoughts wander, leading to more…hands-on activities.
If you are a fan of the blog, you probably know that I am very skeptical about information on the internet, even if it is from doctors. That’s why I found a fantastic study which analyses why people masturbate.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

Survey: Reasons Why People Masturbate

The first study about masturbation frequency is posted in NCBI. They did a survey among 7138 people to analyze how COVID-19 impacted masturbation and online porn addiction.5

The biggest reason for people to masturbate is just for pure sexual pleasure. This is not something back but there is a thin line between sexual pleasure and compulsive sexual behavior.

We also can not ignore that a lot of people masturbate to relieve stress, relax or simply help them fall asleep.

COVID-19 was a very stresful period for a lot of people, including me. Whenever I felt stressed I was searching for a way to “let go” and masturbation was often the answer.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

This might be the reason for your masturbation addiction as well.

On the flip side, the survey also asked people what the biggest reason was to NOT masturbate.

Understanding why you want to stop masturbating will help you when things get tough.

Also Read >>> The Ultimate Guide To Sexual Mastery.

Impact of Masturbation Addiction

As you can see, masturbation addiction is a serious problem and you need to take back control for the sake of you and the people around you.

Now there are a lot of myths about masturbation6 that are commonly believed and need to be debunked before I go deeper into the impact of masturbation addiction.

masturbation Facts

  • Relieve tension.
  • Reduce stress
  • Improve sleep
  • Increase your focus
  • Can help with aches and pain
  • Enhance your sex life
  • Can prevent anxiety and depression

masturbation Myths

  • blindness
  • hairy palms
  • impotence later in life
  • erectile dysfunction
  • penis shrinkage
  • penis curvature
  • low sperm count
  • infertility
  • mental illness
  • physical weakness

Masturbation addiction makes things a lot a lot trickier. You might experience:

  • Wasted Time: You might skip important tasks to masturbate.
  • Less Closeness: Can lessen intimacy with your partner.
  • Distracted Mind: Hard to focus due to constant sexual thoughts.
  • Physical Pain: Could hurt or injure yourself if overdone.
  • Emotional Guilt: Feelings of shame or regret after the act.
  • Avoiding Social Events: You might avoid hanging out with friends.
  • Less Energy: Feeling drained or tired frequently.

Steps to Break Free from Masturbation Addiction

So you know you have a masturbation addiction, now what? First of all, it’s good to know you are not alone.

According to statistics from TheReLab7, one in every six women struggle with porn addiction.

1 in every 6 women being addicted to porn

They also state that the biggest consumers of porn are boys between 12 and 17.

Now the younger you are the less developed your brain is and the more vulnerable you are to addiction so you can imagine that more men then women are addicted to porn.8

The point I am trying to make is that you shouldn’t be ashamed of yourself.

#1 spotting and Side-Stepping Your Triggers

Remember the triggers I previously talked about?

Think of them as those sneaky little things that push you toward compulsive masturbation. Maybe it’s boredom, maybe it’s stress, or perhaps it’s that late-night Instagram scroll. The first step is to figure out what sparks your compulsive sexual behavior.

For me personally – Instagram was a huge trigger. I don’t know what your feed looks like but I couldn’t scroll for 10 seconds without seeing a half-naked woman.

Once you’ve got a list, try your best to cut ’em out or replace them.

For example, when I masturabted due to boredom I replaced it with 20 push-ups. I quickly trained my brain that masturbating meant physical exercise and I noticed it was harder for me to get triggered.
Sean Russell
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

#2 The Power of Support Groups

Another great thing you can do is Joining a support group. The first thing I read about support groups I thought about sitting in a big circle with a group of addicts.

Luckily, there are a bunch of online support groups. I personally used Covenant Eyes which not only puts you in a community with like-minded men who keep each other accountable, but also blocks porn from all your devices.

It is not only great for getting rid of your porn addiction, but also to ask questions and get helpful information about things like semen retention and the potential benefits.

It was a golden nugget.

Learn More >>> The Complete Semen Retention Timeline.

#3 Shedding Masturbation Stigmas

If you’re feeling ashamed or guilty every time, it can feed into the cycle of addiction. Understand that it’s okay to pleasure yourslef; it’s just the compulsive bit that needs a check.

Chat with friends, read up, or even consider speaking to a therapist. The goal is to see masturbation as a normal act, but one that shouldn’t control your life.

#4 Focusing on Personal Relationships

Ever been in a conversation where you’re there, but not really there?

Masturbation addiction can sometimes make us a bit distant. Focusing on our personal relationships can be a game-changer.

Instead of drifting into compulsive thoughts, invest time in catching up with buddies, spending quality moments with family, or planning a surprise date for your partner.

he more you’re engaged in real human connections, the less room there’ll be for boredom and those urges.

Treating Masturbation Addiction

man talking to his doctor

Now if the things I just mentioned still don’t work for you – it might be time to bring in the big guns.

#1 The Talk Route: Embracing Therapy

Therapy is very similar to support groups but instead of a group you get one-on-one coaching from a certified expert who’s trained in understanding things like compulsive sexual behaviors and mental health.

A therapist can help you figure out what’s driving your urges. Maybe you’re dealing with some negative emotions or something deeper from the past. No shame in that.

Everyone has their battles and a therapist can give you tools to handle these feelings without turning to habits that aren’t so great for you.

#2 Don’t Wait: Act Now for Immediate Support

If you feel your use disorders (like constantly turning to masturbation) are taking over, DON’T wait.

There is the SAMSHA National Helpline which is a hotline where you get help from public health agencies. Completly fo free.

Addiction hotline

#3 Beyond Talk: When Medication Can Help

Sometimes, the brain needs a bit of balancing, and that’s where medication can come in. Some drugs can help reduce those intense urges linked to compulsive behaviors.

I am not a doctor so I can’t recommend you any medicine. Talk about it with your doctor or healthcare provider.

Wrapping Up

Masturbation addiction is not something you should take lightly. It is important for you to first figure out what is your trigger.

Once you figured out your trigger, I recommend joining a support group like Covenant Eyes to block porn from your devices and get connected with men who will keep you accountable.


  1. Professional, C. C. M. (n.d.-a). Dopamine. Cleveland Clinic. ↩︎
  2. Choosing Therapy. (2023, December 12). Masturbation Addiction: Signs, symptoms & treatments. ↩︎
  3. Scott, P. S. (2014, April 6). Signs of drug addiction. WebMD. ↩︎
  4. Professional, C. C. M. (n.d.-d). Masturbation. Cleveland Clinic. ↩︎
  5. Professional, C. C. M. (n.d.-d). Masturbation. Cleveland Clinic. ↩︎
  6. Professional, C. C. M. (n.d.-d). Masturbation. Cleveland Clinic. ↩︎
  7. Robb-Dover, K. (2023, January 15). Revealing Statistics re: Pornography addiction. FHE Health – Addiction & Mental Health Care. ↩︎
  8. The Porn Gap: Gender differences in pornography use in couple relationships. (n.d.). Institute for Family Studies. ↩︎

73 thoughts on “How to Get Rid Of Masturbation Addiction”

  1. Best article I’ve read against masturbation. More folks should approach it as a lazy (weak) shortcut to instant gratification.

  2. I usually read that we have to masturbate at least once a week because it can make us resistance from prostat cancer.. but this articles open my eyes wider.. thanks so much

  3. Man, Im so glad that I read this article. It gives a nice view about my life at the moment and how I should deal with it. I hope I will overcome these supressed emotions.

  4. Oh man much thanks for this info. I’m on a nofap now and this article took me to an other level to stop all other addictions. I learned about LOA 1 year back and I have been trying hard to manifest things but nothing worked.. Now I understand clearly what is blocking them. Thanks a lot pal.

  5. Great! Things you subcounciously might have known all along. Just amazing to read the full picture. This will surely mark the beginning of a new life. After half my life being described here.

  6. I had like 20 tabs on how to stop PMO. After reading this article I closed them all. Thanks

  7. This article is very good, easy to understand and makes a lot of sense.
    The problem is that I have no idea what supressed emotions I have, if any. I can only see it as me enjoying naked beautiful women having sex at the same time I’m able to deliver some pleasure to myself

  8. Thanks allot for this article. It’s an eye opener. I am putting this into action immediately. More recovery articles on this subject will be appreciated.
    Thanks once again for your benevolence.

  9. I really appreciate this article it was mind blowing!
    But it left me wondering this one unanswered question:
    How will I know when I have mastered my demons? How can I measure it?
    How long should it take for me to recover? Weeks? Months?
    Thank you in advance for your reply!

  10. Well, there is more to it then this article could cover. But the point is this, make sure that if you are masturbating you are not using it as a form of an escape. If you need more info get in touch with me 😉

  11. I stopped fapping a month ago, plus I’m deep into NLP and so the mix has done wonders to my professional and personal life. I’m still not a 100 percent but I’m getting there.
    Just wondered how I could tell that I recovered and my energy is flowing freely as you put it.
    Is there a new article where you discuss this? Or could you explain what it feels like and how to know when it’s been achieved?

  12. fantastic ! so far the best article i have read on internet. please do an article on how to regrow hair in bald patches which i lost due to fapping

  13. Thanks man! Everyone is different, but in my case the lost hair simply regrew on their own once I stopped fapping and started doing all the things that naturally follow – good diet, excercise, sleep etc. In other words self-caring

  14. Endulging addictions do retract you from society and inhibit your ability to move forward. Imaging how far you could swim to the earths core if you didn’t have that need to breathe??? It’s all fun and safe to say your addicted to sex, that masterbation stops you from enjoying life, but your missing the one crucial point, masterbation is in itself an easy obtainable self gratifying action. Unlike addictive drugs, this safely provides positive experience and safe (if done correctly) method of self soothing and coping with the frustrations of your day.
    Though I understand the Nofap and chastity friends (I wear cb6000s for 3 hrs to get my kink online work done), I must admit, sexual release is a necessary gift for yourself, that should need not rely on forcing others to help you with.. By allowing yourself to self orgasm, you explore your sexual experiences, find what you like about you, and grow as a self sufficient person.

  15. Thanks for a great article, realty well written and covered addiction impacts across many domains, physical,spiritual , psychological and cultural. It was also Great to note the metaphysics or energy psychology side of things, discussed.

  16. nhello everyone i am orantez from Switzerland i was having 3 problems 1.small penis 2.low sperm count Breakdown ..i have been working so hard for so long in my life but all my efforts always ends in pain and sorrow,,my wife divorced me because of my small penis length which was 3 inches when erected ,i got sacked from work and my business went down and things where really falling apart for me until with my cousin about my problems and my cousin MARIAN GEORGE who stays in new York told me how this great herbal doctor santyjatto helped her got pregnant and enlarge her husband penis so i quickly asked for his contact and she gave me his email dr.santyjatto@gmail. com he respond back and told me all i needed to do and i did it ,he prepared a penis enlargement cream for me and Casted a good luck and prosperity spell for me and within two weeks i got 11 inches penis size with a very large round and also i did the spell and within a month my business increased and even my old company called me back to resume my office ..Right now i am one of the happiest,rich,thankful and grateful men in the whole world because i would not have imagined what i would have done without him…my wife gets scared anytime i ask for sex,financially stable now and happy if you are out there you want his help do not hesitate to contact him via whatsapp +2348145243120

  17. Never read such article in my life
    The truth , facts , thoughts which are ruined will be sort by this article.
    Hats off man.
    Such article can change someone’s whole life .
    Thank a lot man

  18. This is the first article of all the articles and other stuffs which I’ve ever seen before. I’m addicted over 9 years. After reading this article I realised my mistakes and now I am clear what to do next for this addiction.
    I am very thankful to the writer of this article. You have no idea how much your help has meant.

  19. Thankkk..U Sir. Ammaazziinggg… I’ve never come across such absoluteeely beautifullyy stunnninngly realistic thing before
    I’m truly motivated…

  20. Thank you man! This is a lifesaver! Just one question though… this may sound very weird, but does pillow humping count as masturbation? I really want to quit that. I am slowly doing it less, but I still feel like it’s not enough.

  21. Unfortunately, masturbating at least once a week is a lot of disaster on physical and mental health

  22. I am 24 years old,.this is the first post i have read and left a comment..

    I believe my life have changed already. God bless the writer

  23. I’m going to be honest and say that I am at my wits end with the way im living and this article hit home so hard im scared to death to find out why I’ve been shoving down for years ?

  24. I am in Recovery I haven’t masturbated and watched porn for the last 2 months…I am Studying for my Final Exam and I am thinking to Start doing Masturbation and porn once a week or once in 2 weeks…Yes because I think I keep thinking about the Images and videos I’ve seen…I think I cant overcome it completely

  25. Amazing article man. The best thing you did in this is you went into the depth of the problem and dont just give a superficual solution. I came out of this addiction since I read this, though I am not fully out of it. Whenever I get stuck into this disgusting loop , I make out time to read this and it definitely helps. I beleive soon I would come out of this habit fully. I just want to thank you sir from the bottom of my heart as you saved me from getting permanently stuck into this loop.
    All the best to you. God bless you❤❤.

  26. I’ve read a lot of articles regarding how to quit masturbation, and this is by far the best article. Thanks for the information. I really trust the writer of this article now, so would love to see more atricles on this issue.

  27. Very well explained with simply and more deep words . I’m a fighter still standing with hope , your post has more then you wish to say .

  28. It’s really inspiring and motivated me a lot. I was badly stucked into this sort of things due to the lack of proper guidance. But now I think, I will fight with the demons and conquer them. Tysm!

  29. Just a lone girl @01:08am
    Sleepless, drained and finding a way out of this mess
    Stumbled upon this article
    Ok! So it’s for men but desperate times call for desperate measures
    I sincerely hope I’ve finally found my way out of this addiction
    Nothing is worse than the relapses
    A comforting and encouraging article

    someone commented this already. i found that i have the same question.
    “I am in Recovery I haven’t masturbated and watched porn for the last 2 months…I am Studying for my Final Exam and I am thinking to Start doing Masturbation and porn once a week or once in 2 weeks…Yes because I think I keep thinking about the Images and videos I’ve seen…I think I cant overcome it completely. “

  31. As someone who has already dealt with the demons but still kind of dealing with them, this information is priceless. You’re a good person!

  32. Masturbation as such is not an issue. It is excessive masturbation (compulsive) or masturbation to unhealthy strong stimulus (hardcore internet porn).
    Just like Alcohol use in not a problem
    but Alcohol misuse is… I hope it makes sense!!

  33. Bring this up on the search results along with Seans article please.
    This can save thousands of men

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  37. Outrage porn (also known as outrage discourse,[1] outrage media and outrage journalism)[2] is any type of media or narrative
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