How to Text a Girl

Guys are always trying to figure out how to talk to women, what to say as their opening line, how to text a girl blablabla

You don’t realize that this is the EASY part.

I can go out right now and talk to 10 hotties and probably wind up with 2-3 phone numbers or IG accounts within a few hours. No problem. (If you can’t do this yet, I can teach you how to meet women and get numbers)

What you do after you get that number, now that is fucking hard.

I’m the worst at it.

If you saw my last conversation on Instagram with the half Japanese – half Puerto Rican girl I met at the mall the other day, you would laugh at me. Let’s just say the conversation is over now.

Texting a girl for the first time is HARD.

You overthink, you care too much, and you regret what you say right after you hit send. I know.

So to help teach me (and you) how to text a girl for the first time, I hit up JD Dallas, the most badass alpha male dude I know. He was kind enough to create this full guide to texting girls you just met. It’s definitive, the last guide you’ll ever need, and I hope you enjoy it.


We did a podcast about online dating profiles so if you are looking to use this information for online dating. Listening to MP 009 podcast is a MUST.????????

Also Read >>> What to Do If You Have No Likes On Tinder. ????

How to text a girl for the first time

Women use their phones to connect.

You likely use it for information, directions, fantasy football stats, and some light porn.

Okay, maybe not for fantasy football.

But don’t listen to anybody who tries to convince you that text message conversation is not here to stay in the dating world. I don’t care how far your grandpa had to walk to your grandma’s house to talk to her.

Your phone is your bridge to attraction, and more. It’s also a tool for destruction and dateless nights if used improperly.

In case you didn’t know – I’m a professional dating coach. True story.

Every guy that has a cell phone asks me the same things:

  • “How do I text a girl?”
  • “What do I respond to this or that text message?”
  • “When is the best time to text a girl?”
  • “How do I text a girl for a date?”
  • “What is sexting?”

On and on with the texting girls questions…

My inbox (on my cell phone, of course) is overloaded with this type of question.

I’m going to do everyone a favor and just spell it all out for you – not via text but right here, right now so you can avoid being a dry texter and losing her before you even have a date.

how to text a girl after a night out

guy and girl dancing in a busy nightclub

A good-looking woman could have given her number to half a dozen guys on a night out. She could have been blackout drunk, too. You were there.

This is the remind her of who I am and that we met text.

Why do you want to send this?

Who you are – when you met. Jog the memory. It’s not needy. Doesn’t even require a text back. You can gauge her interest if she adds you on FB.

It’s at least guaranteed it’ll pique her interest to the point where she’ll look at your FB page.

If you think she may not text back – this is a chance for her to sort shit out. She can log into Facebook and check you out before contacting you back.

Oh! It’s that guy. He was hot…

Adding on Facebook now….

Side note

You do have your Facebook profile all jacked up and rockin’, right? Get on that if you don’t.

how to text a girl after she was drunk

Now, let’s say your encounter was a little bit more than a drunk-fest on a loud dance floor and she is likely to remember you.

The same timeline rules apply.

A good first text includes the following elements:

  • Your name (you know this)
  • Her name (it’s in your phone, right? )
  • Where you met her (the fond memories just flood back)
  • A reference to something you talked about/connected over/know about her/etc. (you DID connect over something right? I’d love to go into detail about how to….)

These few tips cover it all. Doesn’t require a response, but will likely get one if you did your job the night before.

How to text a girl you like

Onto part two of our “how to text a girl” guide.

You and I both know that 99% of men (statistic made up) have ZERO ideas what to text to a woman once they have her number. Heaven forbid they call her…

Men ask me all the time how to text a women (that part isn’t made up – I do this for a living) and if they did their job right, they don’t have to text her one single word.

The main objective is to get in with her before your window of opportunity closes. You can’t text too soon (as discussed in the previous chapter) but if you wait too long you are running the risk of her totally forgetting what a great time you had at the party, club, golf outing, etc., wherever the heck it was.

And worse yet, forgetting who you are.

There was a little magic that night, right? Capitalize on that – without sending her a wordy text.

Stick with me.

A lot of the questions I get in my role as Dating Coach and Adviser center around What To Text Her to maximize the effectiveness of a text.

And this is where we need to take a small step back and look at two things.

  • What did you do during your interaction with her, leading up to getting her number?
  • Smartphones offer a lot more than just a few flirty words – you can send images as well.

When you ask her number, take a picture

guy taking a selfie with a girl in the club

There’s ONE thing I always recommend to a man when teaching him the basics of interacting with new women, approaching, building rapport, etc., and that is this:

Always try to get a picture of you and her together the night you meet.

And if you are chatting along and things are going well, it’s pretty easy to do. A pretty fun way is to suggest something like the following to her:

Pull out your phone (camera!) and say,

Or goofy, or weirdest, or whatever… Just start out with a “fun” “pose.”

And then hold your phone out in that “Selfie” position…AND…lean in next to her. Shoulder to shoulder faces close together.

You see what you’re doing here, Rocko?

I like to think of it as breaking down the physical barriers between you – in a totally non-threatening and relaxed way. Hey – you have to lean in together to get this goofy picture. You weren’t trying to brush up against her body…


And what happens next is pretty natural – you both immediately look at the picture and comment on what dorks you are. Hahaha.

Okay. Great.

Now, if you haven’t got her number yet – now’s a great time.

Okay – so far so good.

This is freaking genius, isn’t it?

Thank me later. I’m totally going to put this into an online course and sell it.

Next – let’s’ suggest something like:

Selfie position.

Getting in close again.

Physically becoming more comfortable around each other.

Doesn’t she smell great?


Comment comment comment….bla bla bla.

This is always a fun picture to look at when you’re done.

And you get the idea here – but you may be wondering what this has to do with texting women. And we’re getting to that.

Remember earlier I said, “What did you do during your interaction with her, leading up to getting her number”?

Normally, there isn’t much to speak of. So that’s why I teach the above technique.

Get those pics.

When you first text her – boom. There’s you and her – together. Having fun. An image of both of you.

That’s 10x more powerful than

Now she has your number. And your picture. With her. In her phone.

Who do women have pictures of in their phones? People they are close with. People they know. Boyfriends.

One of the biggest hurdles to get over when you get a woman’s phone number is keeping that “magic” going from the night before. There is a window of opportunity to keep her interest in you and prevent a flake-out or no-response.

What better way to recreate the moment that you were both interested in each other than to take a picture of it – and send it to the girl.

Good texting skills are worth a thousand words, as they say. And from my experience, if you text a girl with a p[picture she will get very curious and often respond immediately.

And that’s a thousand you don’t have to come up with in a text conversation.

Let’s take another break. Now, of course, don’t miss part 3 of this series on texting women. Menprovement has you covered.

how to text a girl and go for the date

epic image of a guy texting a girl, love emojiis coming out of his phone

Oh my, how time flies – it seems like we just got started in this epic 3-part series on texting, and here we are at article part 3 already.

In general – I am going to share some outstanding guidelines that will help you become the text master that she is hoping to hear from and not some jag that she needs to delete from her phone.

Read on, and get ready to text mesa=sage,

The biggest mistake guys make in the world of Texting: Are you ready for it? Here it is.

They don’t do the proper work upfront before getting her number.

See Part 2 for details on some great stuff to do, such as the photo technique. But there’s one that’s even better.

The worst thing you can do is get a number without suggesting a date or a meet-up first.

That’s right – get a date conversation going in person. Set the expectations of the texts to come.

The night you meet:

(In mid-conversation)

It is a huge mistake to think that getting her number is the goal. It’s not.

Most guys who get a number think they hit the jackpot. Numbers don’t mean anything. It’s what you do with them. You got her number because you want to see her again, right? So see her again, soon.

And don’t assume that all women are like the typical guy – lonely and without many options.

They really aren’t thrilled to hear from you especially if they get stuff like:

  • “What’s up?”
  • “How’s it going?”
  • “How was your weekend?”
  • “What are you doing?”
  • “Do you have plans?”

Just because you would love to get ANY text from a woman doesn’t mean she’s dying to get ANY text from you.

Just do this: Imagine you are her. Imagine you are busy, stressed, and running around trying to get things done that you have to get done.

Then, you get a random text message from some guy you met at a bar the other day who seemed like an okay guy.

“What’s up?” says the text.

“What’s up?” she thinks.

What the hell is this? I don’t have time to make up something or shoot the shit. I’m busy as hell.

Anybody who is even slightly busy will think this.

She hates this kind of stuff because it just adds to her load. If she wants to respond she has to come up with something. She has to provide the interesting banter – what it would be like if YOU were dating HER.


When a girl gets a message like this from you, she goes:

  • “Who is this again?”
  • “No idea what he wants.”
  • “Is he going to ask me for a favor?”
  • “I don’t have time to respond to this.”
  • “He’ll send me a million messages if I respond.”
  • “Why doesn’t HE take the lead?”
  • “Is he going to ask me out?”

And on and on – ultimately prioritizing this to the “get to it later” bucket, and turns her ringer off.

You must strive to be crystal clear and easy to respond to in your messages, to reduce mental loads as much as humanly possible.

Don’t make her think. Don’t make her wonder.

That’s an invitation to ignore you.

don’t beat around the bush

Just go for the date, man. The one you already TALKED about.

Texting is something women do a lot. And they don’t mind having guy friends. You want to be a boyfriend – not a text buddy.

Used properly – the text message is a surprisingly versatile and powerful tool in the arsenal of any man who’s looking for dates.

And that’s what we want to do – keep our eyes on the prize. Getting dates. Don’t become a boring text guy, super funny text guy, or endless text conversation guy. The best case scenario will make hers ee you as “just friends” which is not the goal of texting a girl, right?

Be the texting to get a dating guy.

There will be other text situations that you find yourself in other than getting dates, of course. So a good mindset going into those is key.

Keep in mind:

Every girl you want to date will be thinking the same thing when she’s flirting with you: “What would my life be like if this person were my boyfriend?”

She’s going to want to know whether she can expect excitement and intrigue or if her future with you would be a never-ending string of nights consisting of Xbox and Call of Duty while she quietly dies inside and wishes she’d gone out with that bartender with the nose ring instead.

So keep it fun and flirty, and exciting. And short.

how to text a girl and keep things interesting

split image of a guy and a girl texting

When you get the typical “interview” questions – like what do you do for a living, the first NOT to do is give her a bunch of boring details about yourself.

Be humorously evasive when she asks questions – like:

ANYTHING other than your boring job description works for her.

Why? Because her imagination is 100x more vibrant than yours – so let her imagine how cool you are before you inform her you are not.

This is also playful and teasing. She’ll eat it up.

Also Read >>> Is Calling Someone “Dear” Flirting?

Show her you are busy

Another good way to seem very exciting or attractive while you’re talking…er texting… you could bring up the plans you have for that week. This is NOT what you want to do with her. Just the cool things that you’ve got coming up that you’re looking forward to. You want to demonstrate to her that you live an interesting and exciting life – one that she’d enjoy being part of.

This shouldn’t be bragging.

Just casual mentions of stuff

You don’t want to come off as trying too hard – you don’t have to brag about how you and your friends are getting bottle service at this club or you’re going to a super-exclusive party that celebrities will be hosting – but you do want to actually demonstrate that you have a life outside of her.

Workouts. Finishing a painting. Whatever.

You are busy.

If you DO have to make stuff up for this part, here’s a suggestion: Start making a list of the things you’d be doing if you were living the life you wanted, then start going out and doing them.

I’m big on making lists – we’ll talk about why sometimes.

Why texting women is super effective

guy flirting with a girl on a street

Before I send you off into the cyber social media world, let’s wrap up with some final thoughts on texting.

It’s one of the best ways to establish communication with girls you’ve just met – as well as confirming that you have a working, valid number from her.

You can use it to build comfort or intrigue in order to help get her excited and eager to meet with you face-to-face.

See The Yes Ladder in Part Two. You can use it to maintain a connection with a girl you’ve been seeing or one you’re trying to see but circumstances are getting in the way.

You can use it to re-establish communication with a girl when things have suddenly gone quiet, even after weeks or months of inactivity:

And it can be used to bypass women’s inhibitions and build momentum toward sex:

There’s another little considered characteristic of the text, and that is that text messages provide a layer of distance between you and the person you’re talking to. This level of detachment allows people to step outside of their public roles or personas and adopt ones that they would never cop to in public. You’re mutually agreeing, in effect, that these texts are not “real” and therefore anything goes.

Have you ever had a long text conversation with someone, then see them the next day – and it’s like whatever took place in the text didn’t really happen? You don’t refer to it or talk about it…It’s not the real world.

Your job is to keep her excited about you in the text world so she wants to see you in the real world. Soon. Otherwise, you just become a text buddy.

Also – be prepared!

Use the internet and find the cool shit going on in your town that you’d want to do with a girl and start making inroads.

This way when the subject of plans comes up, you’ll have more to talk about when the “So… what are you doing this weekend” topic inevitably comes up.

It’ll be more like:

And of course, in my role as a dating coach, gents ask me all the time about what kind of message to send to a woman they just met.

Pro Tip:

As you might have noticed, I am not a big fan of sending emojis. Now I know emojis can be powerful when it comes to sexting and flirting so you use an occasional wink smiley here and there but don’t overdo it.

Part One of this series deals with this in-depth, but I’ll share some quick “pings” you can use to get the ball rolling right here.

The text ping doesn’t have to be long –  just a little reminder of who you are. One of the most reliable out there is the classic

If I met her while out at a bar or party, I may send something along the lines of


You want to bait girls into writing back; this is why you don’t want to say

And, of course – a little humor and/or intrigue works best – as does a challenge.

Make-or-break questions, especially any involving a binary choice, will get good responses; Cake or pie, beach or skiing, Los Angeles or Miami, New York or San Francisco, New Orleans or Austin, Game of Thrones or True Blood. Regardless of the answer, a teasing response

can keep the conversation interesting.

But like I said earlier – you don’t want to be a boring text guy.

Do you ever ask yourself:

“If I was a girl, how would I respond to my text message?”

If you don’t, it’s always a great place to start.

BEFORE you hit “send.”

Learn More >>> How To Find A One Night Stand (Easy).

how not to text a girl for the first time

You’re on your way home, or laying in bed, and you can’t this new girl out of your mind – so your mind tells you, “Hey man – you know what would be really nice? If you texted her and asked her if she got home ok.”

Step away from the cell phone.

This text is out of line – and truth be told it’s a desperate grab at some reassurance for you.

While it seems like a cool thing to do – what you are really doing here is treating her like a girlfriend. Jumping the gun. Cart…horse…the whole deal.

Related >>> How To Get Your First Girlfriend.

Sending the, “You get home ok?” text is something you do with your kids, your wife of 10 years, your girlfriend, etc.

Not someone you just met. Settle down, turn your phone off. Go to sleep. Or appear needy. It’s your call (er…text).

#1 Don’t wait for 3 days

Also, do not adhere to some “3-day rule” or other such nonsense in waiting to text.

Yeah – you don’t want to be all over her in the first 3 seconds either – but you do need to realize that there IS a window of opportunity and waiting TOO LONG is bad as well. While too soon is too needy, too late is going to kill your chances.

Women give out their phone numbers like free tickets to community theatre. It’s good for the ego. You do want to be fresh in her mind.

So – the next day or so is fine. It really is.

There was something between you two the night you met – you are thinking about her, she gave you her number, you were having a great time, the liquor was flowing…it’s a regular romantic comedy.

That feeling is what you want to keep going – and the window to do that is small.

So – what you want to accomplish (I would imagine…) is meeting her again soon and rekindle the magic and take it to the next level.

#2 Don’t Text a girl early in the morning

Texting in the morning is neediness.

If you were drinking with her, she’s still hungover. Even if you weren’t, her cortisol level is high in the a.m. causing stress.

Early evening is better than late at night because it leaves a slight chance of a casual meet-up that night yet.

It also cuts down on her time to flake.

Or forget you…

texting style rule of thumbs

guy in the rain texting a girl

That said, there are some general rules of thumbs that apply to every text message conversation.

#1 Stay away from text-speak abbreviations

No “LOL” no “tlk l8r” or anything else that makes you seem like a high-school cheerleader rather than a somewhat sophisticated, interesting upright hominid. Use proper grammar and a capital letter when appropriate, especially when using “I” referring to yourself.

#2 Turn questions into statements

How? Eliminate the question mark. Use the dot dot dot method. Which looks better, more flirty, less needy, less creepy:

#3 Take the lead

When setting up a date – or more likely a casual meet-up, I think it’s best to take the lead. Tell her what you’re going to do with her and where.

A great tactic – I mean, super-secret insider trick, is to leave a bit of detail until the day of the date. A window of time for example.


There’s the chance she’s gonna flake and you really really want to text message her and make sure you’re still on, right?

Well – don’t send her something lame like:


I know from experience THAT particular text message always gets one response… A No.

Try this instead:

Or – Another big insider tip not worth paying for: Text assuming she is coming. Drop some knowledge about the dress code, like:

#4 use the yes ladder technique

Another great bit of PUA-speak, and something you’ll probably learn in a paid-for Text Lesson, is what’s called a Yes Ladder.

You can probably google it now and find out what the hell THAT is.

But don’t. I’ll just tell you.

Everything is either an easy YES question (with no question mark) or an easy question with options. These “options” are giving your young lady the illusion of choice but, the manipulative truth is it actually constrains her and keeps her on the ‘yes’ ladder.

#5 Use her name

Using her name is good unless you have a great nickname for her – one that relates to what you connected over the night before.

Here are two examples of this high-priced information:

Seriously – who doesn’t like chocolate? We’re looking for a “yes” here. And if she doesn’t like chocolate, then she’s either blowing you off or, frankly, who wants to be with someone who doesn’t like chocolate?

You get the picture. You aren’t asking anything. The two of you are planning something you both obviously want to do.

Here’s another example of the oh-so-manipulative Yes Ladder:

Instead of asking her a simple yes or no question, give her a choice of two things and subconsciously build “a yes ladder” before asking her out (via a statement, of course).

Here’s an example:

Oh wait.

That was the same thing. Well – that tactic is tried and true. If she is the least bit interested in you this will get you rolling, no doubt. The idea here is instead of asking her a simple yes or no question, give her a choice of two things and subconsciously build “a yes ladder” before asking her out – but use a statement.

my final $0.02

Texting women ain’t rocket science. The tricky part is to keep it interesting and engaging. You can not just copy and paste every text message you have read in this guide since every situation (and every girl) is different.

However, if you use the techniques I showed you I’am 100% confident you will get the desired outcome.

And hey, if you are still struggling with your texting style, join Menprovement X where we teach men how to interact with women.

Also Read >>> 27 Must-Know Signs She’s Sexually Into You.


Start with something unique and remember her who you are. A good example is: ““Hi Jessica – I blame you for the shots last night at O’Shecky’s. If you’re not studying for that test I may have time to continue our debate…”

Be genuine, and mysterious, don’t take everything too serious and use humor.

Talk about something you two have already talked about when you got her number. For example, if you got her number in a club, talk about how bad the music was that night

It is not rude to text a girl first, especially in that early phase after you just got her number.

433 thoughts on “How to Text a Girl”

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