Benefits of not Masturbating

benefits of not masturbating

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Ever wondered if ditching solo time and skipping your porn marathon could unlock a secret code to joy, a peak physique, and a turbocharged brain?

I used to think it was just another sales pitch for eternal bliss, but then I decided to embark on a 90-day adventure, putting my daily self-love routine on pause to test-drive the ‘NoFap’ phenomenon.

Brace yourself brother, because the results were out of this world.

HOWEVER, it’s not quite the effortless magic bullet most men make it out to be. And most will never experience the true benefits of not masturbating, and I’ll tell you why + a lot more in this article super badass guide.

You’ll hear all about my journey, the good AND the bad. And I’ll share with you 11 benefits of not masturbating that I personally experienced + exactly why most men will never feel these effects.

Then I’ll tell you EXACTLY what you can do to make sure you do.

Because let me tell you brother, it’s worth it.

key takeaways

  • Quitting porn and masturbation does not mean that you have to stop having sex.
  • Quitting porn and masturbation is really freakin hard.
  • The initial act of stopping porn/masturbation can result in withdrawals and some uncomfortable feelings at first.
  • If you can get past this phase, it can have substantial benefits.
  • Not masturbating can boost your energy levels, motivation, creativity, and act like natural Viagra.

Why Would Anyone Stop Masturbating?

The hype around stopping masturbation, or NoFap, has EXPLODED over the last 5 years.

This is due to hundreds of stories of men experiencing godlike transformations from simply going 30 or 90 days without masturbating.

Just check out this Reddit post, for example:

There are tons of stories like this.

They cover everything from feeling more at ease (which seems pretty doable), to extraordinary claims of total enlightenment and unbelievable feelings.

It’s enough to capture the interest of any man as we’re all seeking to feel our best and live life on the highest level.

Why Most Men Will Never Feel The Benefits of Not Masturbating

A mirror shattering

Although all this sounds great, there’s a caveat.

Most men will never feel the positive effects of abstaining from masturbation. There are two main reasons for this:

1: For most men, masturbation and porn go hand in hand (no pun intended). Quitting porn is insanely hard, and most will give in to their cravings for porn within a few days of trying to stop. They can never truly break this habit for long enough to get the benefits of doing so.

2: After quitting porn, many men feel a withdrawal period. This is because porn causes an unnaturally high amount of dopamine to be released in the brain and is watched so frequently that, like with any dopaminergic drug, your dopamine receptors will down regulate to keep homeostasis in the brain. When they do, and you stop watching porn on a daily basis – you will feel like shit because you are not getting your daily dose of dopamine that your brain is used to. Until your dopamine regulators up regulate, you won’t feel so hot.

So quitting masturbation is not some magic pill that works right away.

Learn More >>> 10+ Benefits of Quitting Porn I PERSONALLY Experienced.

What happened when I quit masturbation:

For me, not masturbating was no easy feat. The opening stretch was like wrestling a grizzly bear – rough, to say the least.

My mind was a racetrack of naughty thoughts, making focusing feel as tricky as hitting a bullseye with a dart… blindfolded.

I failed 3 times.

I went back to porn whenever I was bored or stressed and fapped like a champion.

My Breakthrough:

It wasn’t until I worked with my good friend and CEO of Menprovement, Sean Russell, that I learned how to overcome the cravings for porn and transmute the sexual energy in my body into usable energy.

If you have the same problem, then he wrote exactly what I did to succeed in quitting porn and masturbation in The Quitting Porn Success Guide and you can access it 100% free using the optin form below. We’ll send it over to your email so you can kick the habit and experience the benefits of abstaining.

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Quitting porn is almost impossible to do on your own. Here’s how to get it done.

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So even though I had a rough start and my productivity was all over the place, the health benefits of not masturbating eventually came, kind of like unexpected but welcome guests at a party.

The initial jitters, as it turned out, were as I said – just some withdrawal symptoms from my former favorite pastime – porn.

Once that storm passed… let’s just say, things got really interesting.

Here are the 11 health benefits of not masturbating I noticed in chronological order.

The benefits of not masturbating I personally Experienced


#1 You Have More Free Time 

Spending time with yourself, with or without watching adult films, can actually eat up a lot of your day.

It’s like when you think you’ve found a quicker way, but it turns out to be longer. Without those steamy scenes, getting in the mood can be as tough as starting a car on a cold morning.

If you have something spicy to watch, you might be done in just five minutes.

But when you’re used to having both adult films and a bit of alone time, it can take a while to get going without those racy images.

There is this cool statistic from PornHub which shows how much time the average user spends on their site.1 ????????

[visualizer id=”161634″ lazy=”no” class=””]

So let’s say you are just like me (and most of the world) spending 10 minutes per session.

Masturbating twice a day?

That’s almost 20 minutes gone…

I ended up with an extra 20 minutes every day from my challenge.

That’s right, 20 minutes to do anything else besides the usual solo routine.

It might not seem like much, but considering we’re awake for only about 16 hours a day, it’s a big chunk of time.

#2 Your Sex Life Gets Better

Man and woman romantically kissing under the sunset

I had sex four times during my 30-day challenge and let me tell you something:

I was really surprised by how long I could last in bed after not masturbating.

I thought I’d finish super fast, like in just a couple of seconds. But nope, that didn’t happen.

The first time, we went for 20 minutes, and the second time was even better, at 30 minutes. It was like a fun workout.

Before I stopped masturbating, I often needed to masturbate to get turned on. But after taking a break, just seeing a beautiful woman was enough to get me going.

Really guys, the health benefits of not touching yourself are serious stuff.

Josh Hudson, our therapist and NoFap expert actually did an awesome post about this.

He explained that not masturbating could;

  • Lower prostate cancer risk
  • Boost your testosterone levels
  • Improve your overall sexual health

Just to name a few things…

Learn More >>> What Happens if you DON’T Ejaculate for 7 Days?

Nofap god mode meme

And it’s not just that.

Your whole body could get healthier from not masturbating.

#3 You Become More Attractive to Women

As I stuck to this “not fapping” challenge, something wild happened – I became way more attractive to women.

Each day I skipped the solo routine, it seemed like my appeal to women went up.

Maybe it was because I was more focused, or maybe my testosterone levels went up. Or perhaps I was just more aware of what was happening around me.

Or it might even be a placebo…

I’m not exactly sure why, but who’s going to argue when you feel like you’re the main character in a James Bond movie?

To give you an example, when I was on my way to the gym there was this cute girl walking toward me.

We locked eyes for a split second and I could just feel that she was sexually attracted to me.

Now when I walked passed she turned around to look back at me for a good 3 seconds.

Little did she know I could see everything in the mirror of the car that was parked in front of me ????

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#4 You Become More Social

Man socializing with women

You probably already know that having an orgasm feels great and can make you happy, at least for a while.

Related >>> How To have Multiple Orgasms as a man.

When you masturbate often, your body lets out endorphins each time.

That’s all fine, but the downside is, when you get used to that endorphin rush2 from masturbating, other stuff that’s not as thrilling, like just hanging out at a bar and chatting with people, becomes less appealing.

One interesting realization I had was that not masturbating made me want to go out.

For the first time in my life, I had the burning desire to be social.3

I am a natural introvert and I rather spend all my time writing and reading than going out and talking to a group of people.

BUTTT, during the time I abstained from masturbation, I had the impulse to go out and meet people.

It really boosted my self-esteem.

It seems I began searching for something else to give me that feel-good vibe to keep me moving forward.

I found out it’s really true that we all need social interaction, and I’m no exception to that.

#5 You are More Awake in the Morning

Nofap more energy meme

Ever tried to fall asleep with a, well, ‘tent pole’?

If you’re trying to sleep and you’re, let’s just say, standing at attention, it’s really tough. This is especially true if you sleep on your stomach, like I do.

By the fifth day, I was honestly worried about hurting myself while trying to get some shut-eye.

Not a fun bedtime story…

I worked hard to not think about sexy stuff and kept going with my plan.

Here’s the cool thing:

It was hard to fall asleep, but waking up was easy. Strange, right? Even though I slept less, I was really energetic every morning.

I found some research that says not masturbating can increase your testosterone levels.4

This helps you sleep better and gives you a lot of energy in the morning.

There’s even a survey where a couple hundred men who are doing NoFap said that the biggest change was a spike in energy levels. ????????/????????

[visualizer id=”160973″ lazy=”no” class=””]

This was definitely noticeable in the gym. Within the first two weeks I broke my personal deadlift record.

It felt like I’ve never had so much energy.

#6 You Become More Aware of Your Body

sensitive guy

I was already into meditation before I started this no-masturbation challenge. This means I was more in tune with my body than a lot of people who just don’t pay attention to these things.

But being good at staying mindful doesn’t mean I couldn’t get better. And that’s what happened when I stopped masturbating.

I wasn’t just thinking about sexy stuff all the time; I became super aware of my own body. I could feel every toe when I walked and noticed every finger when I was typing on my computer.

It was kind of creepy, but not masturbating helped me to become more aware of my body and its desires than I have ever been before.

#7 You Become More Creative

I’m really into creativity. Without it, I’d probably be doing some boring job, not enjoying my life as a blogger and writer. ????️????

One of the best health benefits of not masturbating?

It really boosted my creativity.

During my 30-day challenge, my mind was always coming up with new ideas. I

I often have writer’s block – where I just stare at my screen not knowing what to write. I then go on ChatGPT to find new topics to write about and it often takes me hours.

This time I had so many topic ideas my only problem was that I didn’t have the time to write them all.

It was like a fireworks show on the 4th of July, but with thoughts instead of fireworks if that makes sense.

Writers block funny meme

Stopping with masturbating really made me more creative.

And it’s not just me, I found this comment5 of a Fapstronaut (member of the NoFap community) who says it made him more creative. ????????

Fapstronaut comment in the nofap community

#8 You Can Use Your Energy to Build Your Dream Body  

man doing push ups in the rain

A year ago, I was in fantastic shape.

I swear to god – I almost looked like a fitness magazine model.

Okay, maybe not like Mr. Schwarzenegger here but I was ripped!

But then my diet started going downhill, and I started ordering takeout rather than using my air fryer.

I let myself get busy with work, and I was only going to the gym once a week instead of three.

When I stopped masturbating, I had so much extra energy, I needed to do something with it. So, I decided to hit the gym more.

I built back a lot of muscle, felt healthier than ever, and even kept going to the gym after my challenge was over.

So yes, not masturbating can give you extra energy that you can use to build your dream body.

#9 Your Erectile Dysfunction Will Go Away

I know I already talked about how not masturbating can do wonders for your sexual health.

But did you know it can also help with any performance issues you might have?

Headline; nofap can help with performance anxiety

It really can.

It’s common knowledge now that porn is a big reason for sexual dysfunction, especially in younger guys.

I’d say giving up porn helped me solve about 80% of my erectile dysfunction problems – yes, 80%! And you know what helped with the remaining 20%, turning me into a real powerhouse in bed?

If you’re dealing with ED and have already cut out porn but still have times when things aren’t working great, it might be time to take a break from masturbating for a while.

Give it a few weeks and see for yourself.

It could really help you get back to your best.

#10 Your Social Anxiety Will Go Away

Man giving speech to huge crowd

No, starting my no-fap challenge, I still felt a bit uneasy in social situations, especially in bigger groups. It wasn’t a huge deal, but it was enough to make me feel uncomfortable.

But something changed during my no-fap journey.

That uncomfortable feeling turned into excitement and anticipation whenever I was about to join a conversation with a bunch of people.

It was weird but in a good way, and I welcomed this new, more social side of me.

Plus, feeling less anxious in social settings really upped my chances of talking to some great women.

Who knows, this could even lead to a fantastic relationship.

Learn the secrets to success.

Quitting porn is almost impossible to do on your own. Here’s how to get it done.

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#11 You Are Proud of What You Have Achieved

The last bonus I want to talk about is the wave of pride you’ll ride when you’ve beaten the challenge. Honestly, after the first sleepless night, I thought there was no way I’d last 30 days. But I pulled it off!

Even though I decided to return to regular self-pleasure (I mean, my sex drive is through the roof, and my focus was shot during the experiment), I’d definitely recommend you take the challenge for a spin.

You might just score the same gains I did, or perhaps you’ll hit that much-hyped enlightenment loads of guys rave about online.

No matter what, accepting this challenge will hand you a gold mine of self-insight.

my Final $0.02

Pulling off a no-fap 30-day challenge is about as easy as attempting to scale Everest barefoot, but let me tell you, the payoff?

It’s a game-changer.

  • Upgraded Sex Life: Say goodbye to sexual dysfunction.
  • More Free Time: You’ll find you have a lot of extra time.
  • Morning Energy: You’ll wake up each day feeling energized.
  • Magnetic Personality: Attract more attention from women and excel in social settings.
  • Body Awareness: Feel in tune with your body, like an athlete in their prime.
  • Creative Surge: Ideas will flow like you’re in a startup incubator.

But the best thing about NoFap…

Your former porn addiction is completely gone.

Now these are just the health benefits that I noticed on a surface level.

There is tons of scientific evidence that proves health benefits like decreased prostate cancer risk and an increase in testosterone levels.


This article is about not masturbating. Porn use is another topic. So is ejaculation via sex (although semen retention also has many health benefits). One can masturbate and maintain a healthy sex life, but porn addiction is just like a drug addiction. If you wish to continue masturbating, that’s fine! But I highly advise against it.


Yes, abstaining from masturbation can enhance sexual health by reducing the risk of sexual dysfunction and potentially improving sexual performance and satisfaction.

Some studies suggest that not masturbating may have an impact on prostate health, but the evidence is not conclusive. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Not masturbating can help in developing a healthier approach to human sexuality, focusing on real-life intimacy and relationships rather than self-gratification.

Yes, abstaining from masturbation can be a significant step in breaking the cycle of porn addiction, helping individuals to regain control over their sexual urges and behavior.

Not masturbating can lead to increased self-awareness and a better understanding of one’s own human sexuality, contributing to more fulfilling sexual relationships.

In the long term, not masturbating can lead to a more balanced and healthy sexual life. However, it’s important to remember that sexual health varies for each individual, and what works for one person may not work for another.


  1. Mike. (2022, July 11). 2021 year in review. Pornhub Insights. ↩︎
  2. Huizen, J. (2023, February 9). How does masturbation affect the brain? ↩︎
  3. Iliopoulos, A. (2022, February 15). 25 Psychological Life Hacks that Will Help You Gain the Advantage in Social Situations | HighExistence. HighExistence | Explore Life’s Deepest Questions. ↩︎
  4. HerbalLove – Sleep Disturbance & Chronic insomnia – caused by over masturbation. Herbal Love. ↩︎
  5. More creativity with NofAP? (n.d.). NoFap®. ↩︎

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